Saucy Bernays

Mpow Muze Touch Bluetooth Headphones, $30 with code KYWLVZOM

Bought these yesterday and they arrived today. So far, they are better in every way than I expected: More comfortable, good (not just decent) sound quality, loud enough, bass and clarity nicely balanced. If you’re on the fence, go for it.

Mpow Muze Touch Bluetooth Headphones, $30 with code KYWLVZOM

Bought these yesterday and they arrived today. So far,

You don’t have to use it on a dog. It has, um, other uses. I’m looking forward to finally having a clean kitchen.

You don’t have to use it on a dog. It has, um, other uses. I’m looking forward to finally having a clean kitchen.

Kale whacking Otis in the head with the stainless steel cup: 1 in 2.

Miscarriages are fairly common, actually, which is why it’s such a shame that they are treated as some horrible fluke. Otherwise, spot-on!


You’d be surprised how many people don’t know this. I worked in a gas station for a few years and every time I sold a bottle of oil, I’d ask if they knew how to pour it without making a mess. They would look at me like “Duh!” and then when I showed them this it was like I had worked a miracle.

I can’t remember the last time I had an acid flashback. That’s got to be what it is, right? Because that’s vastly preferable to the abomination of that picture.

I’m older than 40 and I agree. But I’d be totally willing to find out.

I take Adderall for ADD and supplement it with coffee throughout the day. I ran out of Adderall once and my ass was seriously dragging, so I figured an OTC caffeine pill would be a good substitute. (And really, compared to prescription speed, I didn’t expect mere caffeine could keep up but it was better than nothing.)

Is that what that was? I thought it was a mosquito! I don’t have my glasses on so it was hard to see it. Sorry I slapped you!

Is that what that was? I thought it was a mosquito! I don’t have my glasses on so it was hard to see it. Sorry I

I’m 52 and in grad school. Some people hit that moment and buy a penis car, I took on student loans. It will cost about the same, but I hope my degree will hold its value longer.

I thought when I got married and had kids I’d become a grown-up. Like maybe my uterus would release some magical elixir that would make me all grown up. Didn’t happen.

There really were some studies published that show exactly that. But I’m too old to remember the details.

Nah. Then there’s just two of you standing in the kitchen wondering why you’re there. Don’t ask me how I know this.

2008 Kia = paid for, unlike my student loans. Some of us have better uses for $400. I, myself, enjoy fueling both me and my car with that money.

It seems it’s more important for you to construe this movie’s central message to conform to your own experiences rather than take into account any of the cultural context from which it came.

You were on a ship, not a boat. Not the same thing at all, Surface Puke.

Maybe, but that still would require overlap between the assholes who would do this sort of thing and the guys who would report it, which is not guaranteed.

I bet you wouldn’t be. Submarine showers are quick (get wet, soap up while water is off, rinse, get out) and you get pretty cold standing there dripping wet. They’d be passing around your video and laughing, “Gee, it looks like a penis, only smaller.”

A hundred or so 18-year-old boys? You’ve never been anywhere near an actual submarine, have you? No, the ones in your bathtub don’t count.