Saucy Bernays

I’m reading this at this moment because I decided I needed to start taking more and earlier breaks in my work to be more effective. How did you end up in my head?

Thanks for the shout-out to the spouses! It’s nice to get noticed once in awhile.

It worked for me about an hour ago.

It worked for me about an hour ago.

Drugs AND explosives? He likes living dangerously, I see.

So YOU’RE that voice I hear inside my head. Nice to meet you.

I’m guessing, since it was not explicitly stated, that this is what the Navy has referred to as an “alcohol-related incident.”

Yes, it is generally defined as that now. It wasn’t always so.

To be fair, you did say that the owner “started a tex-mex restaurant” so it’s right there in the name.

Your boyfriend is old enough (over 25) that he will be considered an independent student and any financial aid will be based on his own income.



Yeah, they were only 1 amp, but the newer version is more powerful. Which is why I’m buying one today to replace my much-used older one. That frees up two spots on my Grid-It since I can leave the plugs for my devices behind.

Yeah, they were only 1 amp, but the newer version is more powerful. Which is why I’m buying one today to replace my

IIRC, the ban isn’t on caffeine, per se, it’s on “hot beverages” but most of those contain caffeine so that’s how folks understand it. I forget why hot beverages are verboten, something about stirring up evil humors or something, maybe? It’s been awhile since I hung out with a lot of Mormons.

I’m an old and don’t much like it. It’s bigger, yes, but the spindly font makes it harder to read instead of easier.

The women’s aren’t much, either. Especially when all the “plus”
size pants only come in sizes 4,6 and 8.

The women’s aren’t much, either. Especially when all the “plus”
size pants only come in sizes 4,6 and 8.

I always carry a Belkin SurgePlus because my first college had about 6 outlets on the whole campus; many of them were of questionable reliability. I would ask, “Mind if I plug in?” and folks were always happy to share.

What are you doing under my desk?

Me, too. My problem is that my stuff gets delivered to my apartment’s office and they’re not terribly reliable when it comes to things like actually having the office open during the stated hours. Somebody upthread suggested asking Amazon to flag your account “deliver to door of unit” and that helped them. I’m gonna

I’m gonna have to try that. I chatted with an Amazon rep after one too many screwed up deliveries courtesy (ha!) of USPS and the rep promised me my account would be noted to not ship stuff via USPS. My next packages came USPS, of course. Including the textbooks I needed for a Monday class, that the carrier said were

Go get a room, you two, if you’re gonna talk dirty.