In some cultures, the first birthday is a big event so don’t assume that just because the kid won’t remember it that it doesn’t matter. Where I’m from, family comes from all over, including the mainland, to attend the baby’s first birthday luau.
In some cultures, the first birthday is a big event so don’t assume that just because the kid won’t remember it that it doesn’t matter. Where I’m from, family comes from all over, including the mainland, to attend the baby’s first birthday luau.
So, you got lovely parting gifts? Seems fair.
This. So much this!
That was probably best. Otherwise, your head might have exploded, which I think might have just happened to my government professor. He was a real stickler about that sort of thing; one our classes used footage from the response to Katrina to teach the difference between local/state/federal responsibility and, even…
I think I may have figured this out. My husband was raised in Mississippi and he “bolls” water and puts “ole” in the car. I think Texas is stealing syllables from Mississippi and maybe other states, too.
You know Brawn too? Tell him I said hey. :-)
Sure! Be warned, they send out sale emails every single day, but they often have good deals so it’s worth it for the slight aggravation. In fact, because I haven’t bought anything since before Christmas, I got one a couple of days ago that said, “We miss you, here’s $25 to spend on anything on the site.”
Some of us have elderly parents who always, ALWAYS call the moment we step in the shower. With my Bluetooth shower speaker, I can answer their calls even when I don’t want to. One side effect, though, is that if it’s not doing something, it will disconnect from my phone so I’m forced to listen to music in the shower…
Some of us have elderly parents who always, ALWAYS call the moment we step in the shower. With my Bluetooth shower…
I actually ended up not wearing it because it looked weird around the neckline with my suit jacket. (Yeah, I’m officially grown-up enough to wear a suit, sob.) But I got several compliments today when I wore it to my husband’s honors induction today, so it’s a winner. Actually on-topic for the thread, I found a nice…
I’m wearing that eyeglasses shirt tomorrow to my interview for grad school. I figured it was fun but not too, y’know? Also, I’m 51 and not quite ready for stodgy Mom clothes, though I’m wearing the shirt with a suit, so I’ll totally pass as a grown-up, right?
I think they quit making it in the transparent plastic. That was the old model, and they reformulated the plastic to be BPA-free, so now it just comes in the smoked color. And makes FABulous coffee!
I think they quit making it in the transparent plastic. That was the old model, and they reformulated the plastic to…
Thank you. Buddy was a good guy and lived a good long life, but he never should have left us that way.
If you really want to blow his mind, explain to him why they were called suffragettes. The -ette suffix is intended to diminish them because they were women. The proper term is suffragists, because not all people who worked to get women the vote were female.
If only contraception was that easy.
You get used to it after awhile. And sometimes it’s useful, because you have that, “I’m just a dumb chick who doesn’t know anything about this stuff so I’ll get someone else to deal with this asshole” card you can play.
Ya did good, kid.
“Don’t worry, Grandma, Gabriela is already expecting our first baby! Grandma...? Grandma!”
If he comes through Texas, he’s got a few folks who will stand him to drinks. My family is full of liberal veterans. (Which is probably why my brother married a right wingnut, but that’s another post...)
I was holding it together until I read that.