Maybe in the context of the movie it'll make more sense. It's F&F, everything is rationally explained in the end. They put an agonizing amount of work into realism and finer details of the plot.
Maybe in the context of the movie it'll make more sense. It's F&F, everything is rationally explained in the end. They put an agonizing amount of work into realism and finer details of the plot.
I swear, you guys are tracking me. Every time I'm researching something, I see a post on Lifehacker about it the next day.
Thanks for pointing that out; I didn't realize that re: how internet speed's measured.
The sad thing is that if you handed an Amish person your phone and asked them to shoot video with it, they'd do it right and film in landscape orientation instead of goddamn vertical video.
Then get off an American website. Problem solved. See you never!
Ah, you're one of those...
Here's a VW in one.
It makes nut butters
It makes nut butters
Can we talk for a moment about how utterly horrifying the Starbucks story was?
Can we talk for a moment about how utterly horrifying the Starbucks story was?
Sorry, couldn't help myself. This wagon has *everything.*
Coincidentally, Hybrid Weenie Magazine is also holding a competition. Their events will include:
"maybe you hate beans and peanut butter"
Hahahaha. I will answer them! Unless you start getting really weird or pawing all over it or telling me about your Prius
In Oregon we have gas station attendants and are not allowed to fill our own gas. This is such a huge relief, I don't have to deal with all the people constantly wanting to talk to me about my 1996 Subaru Outback.
This is also a great way to make beef jerky according to Alton Brown.