The Krampusmeister

This is pretty much exactly how I've always felt about him, or at least about his comedic persona (which is really the important bit, I don't really care if he's obnoxious as a REAL PERSON). I've softened somewhat, but if you asked me a year or two ago I would've said that I have trouble telling his normal shtick

We drove through western Massachusetts on our way back from Boston earlier in the year, basically just took 44 from Hartford straight to Poughkeepsie with a few detours along the way. It seemed like a really interesting and unique area with a lot of the same DNA as central PA — incredible mountains and rivers that

There was a big backgammon craze in the mid-70s, wasn't there? I remember my parents and all their friends seemed to have sets, but almost nobody ever wanted to play. We had a nice portable set in a leather case, but I can't recall anyone but me and my father ever playing it.

My favorite badly named show is Better Off Ted. I remember seeing commercials for it a bunch while it was on, and I never realized it was about a bunch of people working for an evil scifi megacorporation, both because of its nebulous name and because it seemed like they actively hid the premise while marketing it? But

Just do the daily/weekly playlist. Generally the to PvP ones give 10 or 15 each, then there's a solo heroic mission that'll get you another 15, and then there's a solo three persons strike that generally gets you another 15. The nice thing is that for the PvP ones you don't even need to win, just complete the match!

Well, it's Friday, so go talk to Xur and buy some exotics, plus some Threes of Coins, then run strikes or wander around the Dreadnaught killing stuff. You can get to the 280s ultra-casually in TTK before increasing your light becomes really tedious. And with the Infuse system, you can just feed those trash

Specifically, they mainly do X-TREME/GRIMDARK re-imaginings of fairy tales. And boy, the writing, uh, sure is something. (The art's about on par with any smaller comic book imprint, at least the one's going for that 90s superhero art style.)

Oh yes, agreed 100%. I sort of got my wires crossed there, I was trying to make two separate points, one about the gruesomeness of killing an animal in general, and the other about the general conditions of the meat industry.

I only eat meat with a CZERNOBOG APPROVED! sticker on the package.

It's nowhere near the last third — the man's not Ayn Rand, thankfully — but it does end in an enormous rally/speech that goes on for quite a while. The last chapter is primarily an argument for socialism, start to finish.

I came here to post exactly this. A big part of why people are OK with or simply don't think about the atrocious conditions of the meat industry is that they do their damndest to hide it and keep people from thinking about it. Showing what it looks like when an animal is slaughtered forces people to confront the

The really funny thing is that, as I recall, The Jungle wasn't meant to be an indictment of the meat packing industry; it was meant to be an indictment of CAPITALISM, using the meat packing industry as a prime example of worker exploitation. It even ends with a giant socialist rally where they finish with the

Oh, great, I love Tom Petty. … hey, wait a second! (Rejected alternate joke: Great beer, terrible singer!) Anyway, this isn't bad but it would be better if it were sung by a woman, rather than a man trying his damndest to ape the vocal style of one. Especially that awful part where it switches to the really high

OK, please tell me I'm not the only on who notices this. But I'm getting getting real tired of trailers that obviously string together two different lines in an attempt to have one character basically saying the logline of the film. That in and of itself is not the problem; the problem is that they often use lines

The main issue with Source Code is that it was called Source Code. I assumed there was going to be some sort of in-movie explanation for why it was called that, because like… Source Code is a very specific term, evocative of a particular thing, right? But no, it's like they just picked a totally random-ass term and

I think it was, and I really enjoyed it as that, for what it's worth. But I also know plenty of people who didn't get that vibe from it and took it as an honest attempt at pastiche. Which, well, I'm not seeing it but I can certainly get why people wouldn't enjoy it if that's how they approached it.

See, I loved Kung Fury, but to me it was almost like a second order pastiche. If you treat it as a PARODY of a crappy 80s pastiche, desperately cramming in every eighties ref possible in the hope that something sticks (nazis, dinosaurs, hackers, David Hasselhoff, Lamborghinis, head bands, kung fu!), it's pretty fun


Wow, check out that box art on the Blu-Ray. It FUCKING SUCKS.

In a freak coincidence, Rick & Morty literally had a reference to Cocktail this past weekend, although it was described as "That movie where Tom Cruise makes drinks… Cuisine? I'm gonna call it Cuisine. I feel like Tom Cruise in Cuisine!"