
It’s pretty decent, but I think you need to go listen to some queen if you think that’s a dead ringer for Mercury. Maybe Hawkins of the darkness, but definitely not Freddie Mercury.

The biggest likely change of the Gawker Media sale isn’t a loss of attitude, split between the comprising sites, or playing nice with mainstream media. It will be the introduction of copy editors.

I’m more shocked their spending more on Uber than Amazon. They have to impulse buy from home every once in a while too right?

Yeah he’s a jackass. Fighting over it is dumb. Strike him out.

If he won FMVP what would that really say considering it would basically be “the guy who covered LeBron” won it 3 years in a row? It’s not like he’s had a dominating finals, I don’t think he wins it even with if the Warriors finish it next game. Especially with his ass on the bench.

Somewhere just outside of St Louis there’s a confused baseball fan saying “he put those states in the wrong order."

I’m not sure if your a homer, or a troll. I’m all for LeBron losing another finals, but I’m not going to sit and pretend Green didn’t try the old CP3 nut count.

Draymond Green is going to singlehandedly turn the Warriors from being America’s sweethearts to the St Louis Cardinals by the end of this postseason. Well and with a leg too I suppose

It’s funny to watch the tide of opinion swing on the Warriors in live time butted up against how the Bulls slow turn to being hated. At the beginning of the playoffs it was only salty haters that didn’t like the warriors, but now heading into game 5 of the finals all of a sudden they are starting to get a sheen of

LeBron is a diva, but Draymond is every bit as much of one , if not more so. Considering how LeBron manhandled him every time they got tangled up last night I think the strength factor just outweighs the “how much of a fighter” they are. Regardless of who does it, someone is going to make Draymond really pay for being

No one hates dumbass pricks like this more than us other cyclists. Thinking you can do whatever the fuck you want just because your not as big of a danger to pedestrians is why society cares so little when cyclists get killed by drivers checking their cell phones. Rules of the road apply to us as much as they do

God damnit... I hate it when I get a reminder of how old and uncool I am... I would never buy all white shoes, but other than that I kinda like them...

That’s weird, I’ve lived basically my whole life in the midwest, and I don’t think I’ve met a single person that likes them for anything other than shooting at. My parents hometown hates them so much that they put up a “please don’t bother the wildlife” sign at a park where they were the only wildlife, only for the

Is it really that big of a secret that they are switching? Im only a casual basketball watcher and don’t know what strategy is going on without someone telling me, but coverage mentioned the cavs switching a few different times last night. It’s not like he was saying something that no one new was it?

I respect the hell out of the former coaches and gm’s that get hired there. I love hearing about the strategy of games. And a lot of the players that talk it, though they tend to seem not as aware as the higher ups do. Basically any one other than the sports journalists(with a few exceptions like Kurkjian). I’m so

Basic rule, don’t be a dick. Making kids respect yourself or your personal space is not being a dick. If they are talking shit about you behind your back instead of bringing any of their issues to your attention they are the dicks. Fuck’em.

Yeah, if a friend gets butt hurt over something like that, I’m not going to feel bad about not trying to reschedule.

Holy fucking shit, he doesn’t even take the “there’s no way my special snowflake did this” route. He went all out “that was just a little bit of rape”. When exactly does rape deserve to be punished to this clown?

I’ve only really watched replays of his fights and only a few other fights since. I did a little mma, so I feel like I can understand the technique slightly, but watching the old fights always blows me away. That bend over at the waist punch, was that something used commonly back in the day, or was it just Ali and

I have nothing to contribute other than my name is Nick and I have 2 brothers, Jason and Peter, and I thought that was neat.