That Indian is so old, it ate Maize fried rice.
That Indian is so old, it ate Maize fried rice.
Added to the 2012 HotD Playlist.
That Indian is so old, it hung out with Crazy Hippidion.
That Indian is so old, it's named Dances with Dinosaurs.
Really? sad.jpg
Make sure there isn't too much pepper.
Hopefully his other ride isn't also two pedals.
I am U as U-R-US is U-G-LY and we are all together
Lets be honest Matt, this isn't the first time you've seen "Cream" and "Brie" together in your internet browser
My wife did a roasted Brie with walnuts.
So was this cheese Gouda, or was it Beddo?
TPG, are you bribing Frawley with food?
I read Cadillac and Crash barrier and accidentally President Obama pulled a Diana
Someone mixed up a couple Sinatra songs.
Get drunk in the car
Added to the 2012 HotD Playlist
Approved, good pictures!
I'm generally indifferent about all British people having bad teeth.
Excitable Exiguous Exige Exits Expressway Exhibiting Exigency