Sorry to hear about your marriage.
Sorry to hear about your marriage.
Maybe, and I know I’m going out on a limb here, but maybe he shouldn’t be DM’ing women with whom he is not married. I know, in 2017 faithfulness is so taboo. He created this mess. These are the consequences.
Or, just hang out with your wife and kids. That seems appropriate here.
I really wonder how limited Anne’s mental scope is, because I’ve read many accounts that strongly suggest that Alex is a pretty good businessman with a serious knack for numbers.
I’m not here to stop anyone from making fun of Bill, who can be a total asshole. But even a minor eruption can cause a shit ton of problems besides being melted by lava.
I hope they win another Super Bowl. Seeing him troll everyone warms my heart.
You’re really stretching for this one
Uh: Surrounding towns were blanketed with ash and debris and authorities are now warning a bigger eruption could threaten the 23.6million inhabitants in the Mexican capital, located just 35 miles (56km) away.
El Popo is scary as fuck, and has been really active recently. Don’t let that get in the way of your narrative though...
Wow, you may be thinking, if she was really resigned to translating everything to baseball metaphors in order to communicate with this neanderthal, what could they possibly have talked about??
Nah, he’s dead. Knock it off with the movie/tv show/videogame plot conspiracy theories, Internet.
Here’s a pretty compelling argument that Luke Skywalker didn’t blow up the Death Star.
but no-one is being fucked over here.
Maybe she believes her husband did nothing too terrible? A woman who was in a show filled with sex jokes with him found his consensual kiss while rehearsing a scene to be too much, and then he took a sophomoric picture of pantomiming touching her boobs over armor while she slept. Then another woman says he touched…
Yes, no accuser should ever be questioned. That’s why we don’t allow plaintiffs to take the stand in court procedures.
You’re just... I dont know. You really think she gives a shit? Do you assume she thinks in the same abnormal way you advocate for?
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Can’t you try living in reality for a change?
What’s being Latino got to do with anything?
As a white man, I’m happy to be lectured on race and gender, but don’t ever fucking lecture me on poverty.
as someone who grew up on food stamps, I hate to tell you that there are things in this world that some people simply can’t afford.