
You familiar with Italian filmmaker Dario Argento?

There seems to be a gross amount of arrested development there. That's kind of new territory regarding Trump. Sad.

I didn't get that either but I've never really assaulted anyone. I don't know the lingo.

You mean Vince Vaughn v1.0?

I don't particularly care for Clinton but fucking look at this ova here!

Why the Clinton Campaign wouldn't use Breitbart comments in campaign ads is beyond me.

I could actually get behind a garbage fire in the White House.

I'm still convinced that he's always in character. I don't really think there's an authentic copy. Just an empty shell running various programs.

Who were later saved by a man actually arrested on domestic battery charges. Pro wrestling is a horrible, wonderful thing.

David Duke.

An entire week for Carpenter.

Well, now they blast anything ending with eezy while proudly waving that rebel flag.

*sticks head into blender*

And now I remember who 21 Pilots are. Thank you!

I work at a bar where one of our regulars is this dude that's all about peace and love until he's five hours in and then he's either hitting on every lady in the bar or starting fights. I once had to break up a fight in which he had pulled a knife on a middle-aged blues musician. That's why we call him Hippy Death

Butthurt is definitely around to stay.

I'm a Cubs fan because of growing up with WGN. There's a bunch of people living here in Hot Springs that moved from Chicago. Might explain the plethora of pizzerias for a town this small.

Hogan hero booking will not work with a modern audience. People want a hero that struggles not just dominates. We no longer live in the Schwartenegger 80's. Struggle equals conflict which is the basis of good storytelling. Daniel Bryan is pretty much proof.

He actually stenciled "Trump" on the bombs.

Thank you. I bonded with my first girlfriend over the phone while making fun of that movie on Sci-Fi. It still makes me laugh. Probably not its intention but whatever.