
Oh yes, Barney Frank is beyond reproach. Wonder why Wall St. keeps shoveling truckloads of money to such incorruptible and progressive politicians. You should write to Lloyd Blankfein and tell him that he has been swindled.

What a tone-deaf article. The reason stuff like this needs to be pointed out is because some people maniacally cling to the idea that there is something “progressive” about Obama and HRC. Some have even argued that they are the true progressives, unlike “old white man” Sanders. Now after years of loudly trying to

No, I used to participate in jizzible discussions before this, and gawker discussions before that. I go to these sites to get a grip on the millenial DNC-bot pulse. I always come away with the feeling that you folks are dangerous, disgusting and zombified reactionaries.

Then stop saying shit that makes it sound like you do. haha

Haha, people will suffer because your shitty politics imploded and now Trump is destroying the country (you included). But that’s OK, cause you get to make fun of Trumpkins for being idiots, thus OWNING them in a BIG way.

Liberalism in a nutshell.

Who do you have in mind?

I’d have to disagree quite strongly there. He is being hysterically attacked by the centrists, but he’s not being “used” by them. There is a difference there. Unless they co-opt him, it will be very hard for them to successfully return to the status quo ante. 

Youre a racist blasphemer!

Yeah, nobody has said that. I’m pretty sure most critics of Obama are not surprised he’s being paid for his honest service to the billionaire class. However, some righteous souls here have asked whether he’s being paid enough as a black man.

RACIST. We shall overcome, some day.

It’s racist. He would have been paid 1 mil is he were a straight white man. I’m livid about this sort of discrimination.

“But the other guy is worse!”

Obama sure aint mad — he’s glad. Called Blankfein a savvy businessman, raked in tens of millions superPAC cash from WallSt. Now he’s being rewarded for his loyalty.

It’s only one of a million signs that Obama was a full member of the American kleptocracy. Nothing to see here folks. Focus on TrumpPutin and hope for HillDog in 2020

Way to “DO” the right thing. Liberals are pathetic.

Good post. But why do you “regret Sanders”? On the surface it would seem that he has done more than anyone to buck the DNC centrists.

You don’t understand anything I’m saying. These kinds of attacks matter more for someone like Clinton and Kerry, far more than they matter for populists like Sanders and Trump, who have genuine appeal. The fact that you think Sanders, of all people in Washington, is “corrupt” — and lost because of that — proves you’re

Clearly you’ve learned nothing from the election. The big social and political issues have passed you by entirely, and you continue to think that political struggle is about secret binders with oppo-research.