The Intense Man

It's put together well, and the cast is generally fine, but the writing is often very bad. They tried to make The Social Network-meets-Entourage, but it doesn't work at all. A lot of the dialogue is forced and silly, and to seem with it, they namedrop so many apps, websites and pieces of technology that the show will

I liked Gortimer too because it has this unassuming, storybook quality I hadn't really seen before. But yeah, like everyone else, I think it might be a little too slow at points, like it's straining to fit the length.

I think even more cringe-worthy was the scene where the older cellist takes Hailey out to the bar basically just to make musician-sex puns. "Percussionists bang away…jazz pianists love improvisation and are open to ensembles," etc.

Apparently it works the same sorta way Community works, in that after a writer types out the main script, it's punched up by a room and then Dan or Justin looks it over and tweaks it one last time themselves. So Justin or Dan always have a bit of a hand in it, even when it's credited to someone else.


Can we try to guess your favorite Cheers episode or something?

Don't forget all the Wizard of—PETER DINKLAGE HULA HOOPING

Glad to see Luigi finally got his PhD

"Alright, drive-thruuuu."

Yeah, that's mine. Both that and then when Louise references it later, are some of my favorite jokes of the series.

At the same time, if anyone was going to love this movie, given what I've heard about it, I thought it would be TVDW

To me, Scaruffi definitely quantity over quality though

I came down here just to see if the first few comments were "Her?"

New Haven, the one place dirtier than the juggalos themselves.

But the sounds they make are so beautiful for the first three minutes you're there!

Take it from me: I love you!

Of course no one's cursing in Maine…it's just Stephen King, the L.L. Bean headquarters, and a bunch of lake and forest getaways. What's there to curse about?

Maybe this is truly immersive television in that it's so inept, it makes Sonia the hostage

Adam Brody?! My favorite cast member of Good Vibes!

Yeah, aggressive Jonny—the type that got him a wrist injury—is my favorite side of Jonny.