
Those planes will fly forever. Almost any plane you fly on to this day are fro the 60's. The demands for maintenance on planes seems to allow them to carry on forever. Strangely though, the only damage occurred by way of far sighted driver with no depth perception. Funny how a 40 year old plane survives this long with

Scott is the BAMF of the day! Nice Job!


Why the Perazzi shotgun? Pros/cons?

That's what you arrived at by my comment? Miata's just don't so it for me. They kind of remind me of a neutered dog. Has all the characteristics that you love, but something is still missing.

Yes, yes there is. It can't convince me to ever, ever buy one. I appreciate what it is, but I just can't and won't go there.

But you only pay one way. Still, $55! There should be no speed limit at that price

FF = Fail by Fire

This is an easy one

I'll buy a playbook for a dollar. I'll even spring for shipping.

As a Canadian, I am speechless, truly speechless..................................I got nothing.

Well, the redundancy sold me. what were we thinking?

Its a Scotish Fold. There have been 2 in my family and they are awesome. Personality wise, they are very laid back, mine would on sit on the couch like any of us would. They are also very intelligent and affectionate. I vote this is real

The oil cap looks like it hasn't been touched since the service manual was printed

6. Lost and bewildered Vikings fan?

Correction accepted!

YUCK! Way too many little plastic bits everywhere. That reverse hood scoop looks like lego. Don't even get me started on the glow stick lined tail lights. American car = no class and lotso plastic bits

There is nothing sexier than a girl who can play guitar. That is all!

Best article title ever! Well done!