Not to be confused with Yarvelling.
Not to be confused with Yarvelling.
Over there she'll be the focus, and so won't have to flounder in order to build up Clara or anybody else. This sort of variable competence is really annoying, I agree.
The whole "never cruel or cowardly" thing is a callback to the Terrance Dicks/Barry Letts/Pertwee era character description of the Doctor. So it's another reference in the episode (one Moffatt also made in Day of the Doctor).
Michael Dorn waits patiently by his phone.
Due to a mix-up she accidentally teams up with the Slender Man instead.
Seventh in the audio A Thousand Tiny Wings - 1950s Kenya during the Mau Mau uprising.
The people who live in the prop have repeatedly asked that fans please stop doing that.
Everyone can say what they will, but back in the day Colin (and Sylvester for that matter) was a damn sight better looking than Tom. Both of them regularly turn in better performances as The Doctor, these days, too.
My guess is that Missy left via her Captain Jack wrist not-a-Time-Ring device, and Clara's slaved bracelet took her along with, time lag notwithstanding.
Well, a certain amount of that has to go back to the original concept that The Master was another part of The Doctor and would die at/toward the end of Pertwee's run when the nature of his existence would be revealed. Then Roger Delgado died tragically, and The Master went away until Deadly Assassin.
(I'm sure that…
I think it should fit with I, Davros, which makes sense, because the new series is now fair game over at Big Finish.
Everybody should listen to I, Davros - it is incredible, and does a great job of tracing Davros development from childhood up to the beginning of Genesis of the Daleks.
He's too busy bludgeoning an oddly youthful Ed Harris with a headstone. And demands to be paid in cake, for some reason.
Are we talking a Welcome Home Brother Charles scenario here, or just a straight up whip out?
I heard he gave them the old Soul Finger, then stole away a good portion of the Stax Records back catalog for Atlantic/Warner Brothers. Kind of a dick move, really.
The Videodrome character, or an unreleased M83/Doobie Brothers film score collaboration?
I heard band members' actual blood was mixed into the ink used for the art in that issue!
He could play the ghost who loves footjobs because he doesn't like the way the new Ghostbusters' hands look! (As a throwback to Stantz' camping-trip-turned-firehouse-dormitory spectral bj scene in the original movie.)
That Undercover Mountie's just way more undercover than on his previous assignments.
My memories of Penitentiary II and III seem to indicate that he'll be in most anything, if the check clears.
This can also serve as a callback to Ghostbusters 2, which featured its own Ernie Hudson cameo.