Who did they cast as Eric Roberts' sex chair in this version?
Who did they cast as Eric Roberts' sex chair in this version?
Heck, I went to school with him and don't remember him! To be fair, he was a couple of years behind me, and I was pretty focused on getting the hell out of catholic school and into a more liberal college setting at that time.
He seems pretty bland in most stuff, but I am a bit jealous that he got to work with Andy Daly…
I don't know, Seth Rogen is no John Belushi…
How could Sookie NOT love him?
But which of Tommy's veritable army of assistants is it? And is doggy in vestibule awaiting a payment of some kind?
I have to believe that whatever factory Tommy has making those is one that has suicide nets (one of the world's most depressing inventions) installed. :(
So those are the Me Undies I've heard shilled by Paul F. Tompkins and other Earwolf luminaries!
Not to be confused with 12 Years A Slaine (from 2000 AD), 12 Years A Sloan (a partial documentary about a Canadian band), or the world's most depressing "This Ain't…" movie 12 Years A Slapper. Or Philip K. Dick's novel "The Man Who Slaped", for that matter.
The TV series is loosely based on The Chairman, that movie where one of the U.S. intelligence services tries to kill Mao with a bomb planted in Gregory Peck's skull.
Only squeezably soft! (Charmain, that is.)
Dennis Wheatley
Isn't that the one with Steve Railsback as Manson? He's not a good actor overall, but the one thing he's decent at is playing crazy, so this might be a role he managed to do well in.
I thought he was playing old-timey actor John Hodiak (from Alfred Hitchcock's Lifeboat).
I thought the araber was the one who committed the murder(s). Maybe I'm confusing this with a better show that Kyle Secor appeared on.
But it led to a really fun SCTV parody episode, so something good did come out of it, in the end.
It also revealed that Steve McQueen was kind of a dick to work with, so there's that too.
Why couldn't Steve Harvey have been the one to shuffle off this mortal coil unexpectedly and too soon instead?!?
Doesn't he prefer to be called Brumbpo Tungus?
Max Hardcore was unable to finish this post due to a sudden onset of jail.
Just bring back the diorama flyover sequence that used to lead in to all your movies HBO. Everything else is still pretty good.
All I know about Cake Boss is about the wacky Paul F. Tompkins version. And having heard the above, I kind of want to keep it that way.