Anne of Leaves

That was before the most recent rewrite, back when the messages were more of a cuneiform-type thing.

As an odd Easter egg, some of her tattoos in this version are replicas of classic Mad Magazine fold-ins.

That may not have been yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog's eye, after all.

Can they get Joel McHale back for the American adaptation of the German version of The IT Crowd?

Dan the Unharmable needs that Discman back. Those Melvins CDs aren't gonna play themselves, you know.

He is into outreach. He even loved his KKK Bitch, back in the day.

That seems a little too John Allen Muhammad-y for my liking.

It's going to be an itchy weekend.

"Butler? I hardly knew 'er!"

"…With a little something for Daddy." - Don DiMello

If only Endgame was based on the Italian 80s movie of the same name: "A telepathic mutant recruits a post-World War III TV game-show warrior to lead her band of mutants to safety."
Bonus: any twitter comments would just be snark, rather than anything that would start an epic shitstorm.

But they're all Max Headroom-style blipverts, so you might not have to worry about watching the show the whole way through.

Is this where we're supposed to come for the big werewolf chase scene?

It's actually a strange re-imagining of Clare Boothe Luce's "The Women".

"…The Aristocats!"

Eh, what's in a name?

Each episode will wrap up the sniping within 5-10 minutes and the rest of the show will just be fruitless searching for the g-spot.

I hope you've got those plastic furniture covers my grandma used to buy then, because that will leave stains otherwise.

Not to be confused with Garth Merenghi's "Bitch Killer", starring Randolph Caer, of "That Duck! 2: (Duck on the Run)" and "A House for Nobody" fame.

Maybe if they get the royal family involved?
On second thought, that might not be the best idea.