Anne of Leaves

Fitz and Mack do have a lot of chemistry in scenes together, and the whole "please be careful down there" prior to the pit descent seemed like a little more than friendly concern to me.

Great, now I have to go reread Peter Watts' "Blindsight". Thanks a lot, Christine Curse!

Clown Baby? is that, like, a clown that's a baby, or what?

I'm high on good old fashioned unleavened Godflesh. The transubstantiation process doesn't take as long as you'd think, and the resulting Holy Loaf pairs well with even the cheapest of wines.

Oh sure, the first taste's always free. Next thing you know, you're stealing custom stereo equipment, mink coats and gold teeth from corpses to pay for an out-of-control tithing habit.

Holland-Dozier-Holland's secret murder method - now it can be told!

Where are all these "crazies to the left" I always hear about, and what voice/power do they have, anyway? Virtually no one to the left of the blue dog/third way Dems have any voice/power/influence in America today. And the center (barring a few issues like marriage equality) keeps shifting ever rightward, along with

Is the big twist that the fucking cocksucker in question is actually a cocking fucksucker? Because if so, I'm kind of wondering what one of those is.

Cutting in the middle man and passing the savings on to you!

What makes it even worse is that Don Lemon was apparently molested over a period of at least 7-8 years starting as a 4-5 year old. you'd think that he'd be a bit more sympathetic to a fellow victim. Just disgusting.

Thankfully not coming soon to NBC: Dr. Penis-hands.

Underoos are back - in pog form!

It would be so great if this was a reference to the 60s Philippines Batman/Bond knockoff film "James Batman"…

I feel like there should be a false report that Conor Oberst will guest on an episode as Doctor Light.

"Please do not reveal the shocking secret identity of Unk! No one will be admitted during the shocking pool decoration scene! It will shock you!"

Dammit, Roger from Zapp has done it again!

Nolan's secretly a huge Dinosaur Jr. fan?

This really seems more like the plot of a David DeCoteau "film" than a TV series…

And there's always Bailey Jay's "Film Fiasco" show, where she hosts horror movies in full Elvira-tribute mode. While obviously not a drag act, she definitely brings the campiness to the role.

The Third Doctor and Jo do in the audio story "The Scorchies." They're coming to Victorian England to vex Jago and Litefoot later this year as well. /annoying Doctor Who fan