It is indeed a short sketch:
It is indeed a short sketch:
Avoid going north of Temple. Fishtown and Kennsington aren’t the best either, but they’re getting better. The video of the naked guy climbing on a bus is in Kennsington, for reference.
I know this was from September, but once he attacked the car, the biker was fair game. Maybe not in California, but in most states it’s treated as a domicile. Breaking the window in what is clearly an attack all the driver has to do is say his life was in danger. A decent attorney and you’d be fine, legally. But yeah,…
I’m not allowed to join the conversation here either. Only on Gizmodo, iO9, and Sploid. I can talk to others about tech and space, but I can’t talk to people about entertainment apparently.
No it’s not. You drank the Kool-aid.
Murder a main character. People kill people all the time, that just makes them a killer. Do that to someone the we care about though, and now you’re a villain. Plot it out beforehand, and you’re even more sinister.
Depends on which version you’re talking about. IGN has the count at 7 in 2012, but that’s a bit outdated after the new Secret War, retcon, and reboot.
If it were immediate family, you’d have a better stance there. This is over 200 years later though. Am I allowed to “simply take back my shit” from the British who butchered the Irish in the Norman Invasion? Is Mexico allowed to retake large portions of the south-western United States (originally stolen by Spain) by…
I mean, “Native Girl” was kind of the villain of the week. The alternative was to keep letting her hurt people and steal things.
What happens when a company doesn’t know they’ll be out of business in 12 weeks? A crummy CEO and poor business decisions can lead to a company going under in way less than 12 weeks. Just trying to understand.
If you’re ever knocked out for more than a few seconds, yeah you need to get to a hospital.
Reminds me of this.
Left in an unlocked and running car is kind of where I’m thinking the danger comes into it. What if someone tried to steal the car? If one of them hopped into the drivers seat and shifted gears. There was just an article earlier today about kids driving. That’s only a two year difference. Not happy someone was…
Damn, I never noticed that. Trainspotting is one of those, “Ever seen this weird movie?” go-to for me.
Metal ones, yeah. Plastic, not so much.
Ask and ye shall receive. There’s a few variations of these out there. Most states have some form of regulation against metal ones, as they’re pretty close to brass knuckles, but plastic ones are a fair substitute.
Ahh, yeah. I recognize the name. I do remember reading about that in history but I thought you were referencing something that happened this century.