Claiming intellectual superiority is a bit of a catch-22. Even if you’re correct about the matter, you still come off as a complete ass. Cheers.
Claiming intellectual superiority is a bit of a catch-22. Even if you’re correct about the matter, you still come off as a complete ass. Cheers.
Who said I was American? Some people want dissenting opinions everywhere SO BAD. Nothing would please you more than to feel attacked so you can blindly retaliate, over the internet.
Ehh, he didn’t really build anything though, just changed the casing. Really he just took apart a store bought, fully functioning clock. It’s like that kid in art class trying to impress folks with “their work” but really they traced it.
I don’t know about your school, but we weren’t allowed to bring in radios, walkman, gameboy, really most electronics come to think of it. If you honestly don’t think the package is at all suspicious, regardless of who brought it in, you’re kidding yourself.
At a glance, with absolutely no background or knowing who that thing belonged to, would you not call that first image at least suspicious? Someone whipped that out I’d be a little curious, start asking some questions at least. As soon as one person says “maybe it’s a bomb?” then the administration is pretty much…
Also, DWI and DUI are different in most states. DWI, depending on the state, usually refers to other substances other than alcohol, which would not show up on a breathalyzer.
Breathalyzers aren’t admissible in court though, and are rarely calibrated after their initial test. They’re used to justify taking blood, which then goes back to the lab and is actually tested for PPM. If you ever get stopped and charged with a DUI, and they didn’t take blood, only using the breathalyzer, it can…
So dedicated to being a skinhead he even removed his eyebrows.
Again, you’re projecting your own opinions. I never said race doesn’t play into policing. What race am I?
They were being called about teens drinking, then got a second call about gunshots in the area. Where are you getting the demographics for the area from? Where are you getting the race of the officer from? The article provides a lot of information, but you’re filling in a lot of areas with your own assumptions, it…
This is The Root. All white people here are racists and/or police apologists, no matter what. How dare you bring logic and reasoning into this discussion/group of people shouting at a wall.
You don’t think you’re projecting a bit there?
Based on what I’m reading in this article though, the cops were responding to a call about a party when they get another call about the sound of gunfire in the same area. It’s the reason the kids were leaving the party even. As the cops show up the kids start reversing towards them, probably faster than usual since…
Couldn’t you say the same of a lot of movies? Silence of the Lambs, for example. Fargo? Heck, James Bond when you look into what inspired Ian Flemming. I’d think that would apply to most things that aren’t scifi or fantasy. A fair orator could find historical ties to anything, the world’s a big place with a fairly…
I know it’s not on topic, and that’s a stock photo up top... but those are not the correct rounds for that firearm.
Had a similar issue. Zaggie has it right, bring it up to H.R. and let them handle it. The more coworkers that report the issue, the better.
Personally, season 3 has been my least favorite thus far. Way too much Barry crying about his problems instead of trying to solve them, or asking his very extensive network of supportive friends for any assistance. That said, this version of Harrison Wells is one of the funniest characters the series has done to date.
Anyone else misread “Crystal Dao Pepper” as Crystal Dr. Pepper?
I get the point you’re making, but I feel like this list is a bit padded. Lays and Walkers are the same company, Walkers is just the European brand. Same chips, different flavors maybe (Ruffles falls into that category). Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, and Pepsi Max are kind of a given too. But yeah, they own/produce a lot of…
This comment thread seems like it’s full of a lot of people spouting off things they either half remember, or downright made up. Should the police shoot less people on an annual basis, sure. Should the police wait to be shot at first, hell no. Don’t do what your father taught you, do as the officer instructs. Why did…