The Incredulous Hulk

Stock Ada had different legs and a laser on one of her arms. I think that’s just a general assaultron. With how much you can mod the characters though, it very well could be someones version of Ada.

Somehow I managed to convince myself that buying a 6 pack of Amazon Echo Dots was ok. Looks like it’s going to be an electronics heavy holiday season around my neck of the woods this year. 2 for around my house, 1 for the madre, 1 for the big sister, and the other two to some good friends who I’ve seen have fun

Somehow I managed to convince myself that buying a 6 pack of Amazon Echo Dots was ok. Looks like it’s going to be an

Thank you, I was going to ask exactly that.

We can only hope for Ash to pull a Triple Lindy.

You have no idea how many times I’ve actually said these exact words. Usually to friends from out of town, but the sentiment rings true.

I miss FlightClub.

Coach: You’ll be alright. Just walk it off.

Currently at work, so I’ll have to save this for later. I just finished Grunt the other night though. Yet another very interesting read. Never disappoints. Well... maybe Spook, but it just wasn’t my cup of tea.

I lent a friend my trade paperback of DC vs. Marvel, he then misplaced or somehow otherwise lost it. I’ve never really forgiven him for that, to be honest.

Many A True Nerd. He’s done some similar playthroughs with Fallout 3 and New Vegas. He also completed one of them (or possibly both by now) in its entirety, including all DLC playing on only one life, with no use of stimpacks. If your reaction to that is “how is that even possible?” I encourage you to go watch. It’s

Picturing that in my head, it looks like a wasteland of homeless people... Plus, didn’t the Super Mutants and Raiders end up using most of the shopping carts as cages in Fallout 3?

Just about 12 more hours to go...

Fantastic article. Thank you.


Not to nit-pick, but do you clean every round? If the primer failed the primer failed. Rack.

Oi, PA is blue to the East and West (read: Philadelphia and Pittsburgh), but a deep, deep shade of red in the middle. It’s where we keep the Amish. Who make fantastic furniture, seriously.

Please do. That is a series I’d love to follow.

$188 for just the top half. Kind of not worth it at that point, as printing all the parts would cost about as much as an actual 3-D printer.

Took me a second... thought you meant actual black cats.

Nice, always wanted to check out Red Son.

Nice, always wanted to check out Red Son.