Maybe that was the warning shot, but grandma wasn’t wearing her glasses?
Maybe that was the warning shot, but grandma wasn’t wearing her glasses?
And clearly not one that warrants surveillance and being torn from a sick child.
Blame the USDA.
Blame the USDA.
Agree that it is a cost cutting measure for Tesla. And I also think that if the scale is larger (which is necessary if EVs are to be mainstream) they won’t be doing this.
Not this exact scenario. If / when EVs are mainstream, cost cutting will ensure that if you’re sold a 60 kWH car, there won’t be a 75 kWH battery inside.
I don’t know why there are so many anatomical remarks in the comments. You obviously just wore your underwear the other way around.
Aw, c’mon. Even young adult dystopian books have fewer plot holes than their book.
The difference is that this is not part of a government contract or even a civil engineering project, but instead by an individual who just wanted to see how it works, and how he can improve it.
I read his comment as he’ll buy a hybrid only if it is fully autonomous because while he likes the fuel economy, he’s not interested in how it drives.
Maybe they needed to clean the windows?
I drive an EV commuting to work, actually, and I put about 40 miles on it a day. But we go on road trips and long drives on weekends, and we take the wife’s car for those occasions.
Agree. Battery longevity is better than a cellphone, but still leaves much to be desired.
Stop touching the charging cable.
At this point in time, you’re not really an early adopter. Even at 200 mile range, I still wouldn’t recommend anyone get an EV as their only car. It’s not the range, it is how long it takes to recharge (and the number of places available where you can do that). And if it’s not an only car, 100 miles is sufficient for…
This will not end well.
Now I really want to know what he grows in his garden that he finds wasps beneficial. Wasps are nasty things that kills (among other things) bees by laying their eggs in them. Found this really creepy animated gif of the larva coming out of a live caterpillar (warning so you don’t click on it by accident): https://www.…
You can contact your carrier and they can disable that SIM.
How is the horse head squirrel feeder not the first item on this list?
How is the horse head squirrel feeder not the first item on this list?