
Maximum torque, all the time, means that they can move from a red light faster than most non-electric cars (and most drivers) without any effort. The 0-60 mph speed is boring, but 0-30 mph time is quite respectable. That means they can get into an intersection first and get t-boned by that red light runner tweeting

I use the “Oh, that old thing? We’ve had it all along, don’t you remember?”

A 5 year old Leaf will have about 40 miles of highway driving range - mine was like that, until I got the batteries replaced under warranty. Anyway,40 mile radius will be more than 40 miles of driving since you can’t drive like the crow flies.

Me too. If they’re as good as regular Eneloops, I’d be happy. If they’re as good as Eneloop Pro, I’d be ecstatic.

Me too. If they’re as good as regular Eneloops, I’d be happy. If they’re as good as Eneloop Pro, I’d be ecstatic.

They’re back.

They’re back.

tl;dr - I find them worth it for not having to swap batteries as often

tl;dr - I find them worth it for not having to swap batteries as often

(disclaimer: I don’t have these AmazonBasic batteries, I’m just going by the official specs)

(disclaimer: I don’t have these AmazonBasic batteries, I’m just going by the official specs)

It is indeed beautiful. And if I have $400k to spend on a car, I’d buy one. These are two things I never thought I’d say about a Ford.

Can confirm.

Depending on the outcome (and whether he had already procreated), he might qualify for the Darwin Award.

The answer must be “Alcohol. Lots of it.”

You can do this in SF without the person behind you laying on the horn?

How I’d do it: pay fine + additional fee that will be returned when you turn in the thingie. But I’m not a lawyer and all that and don’t know of any local laws that might prevent them from doing it.

If that doesn’t scream “pull me over”, I don’t know what will.

Depth of field is a function in (real) focal range and f stop. P&S and cell phones have very short real focal range due to the small sensor size, hence much deeper DOF.

I just find it humorous that she’s reinforcing the stereotype of skinheads. Google translate also helpfully tells me that while sieg is victory in German, seig is sticky in Norwegian.

Not only is the whole thing repugnant, she can’t even figure out how to spell “sieg” correctly.

I don’t find tech support to be particularly helpful. The only thing they ever suggested to me is reboot, reinstall, and send it back in.

This happened in Florida

The scary thing is that, like Roosevelt, he will probably have the majority of the SC Justices on his side. Add one major terrorist incident, and he will also probably have the majority of Americans on his side too.