
I’ve given up on “drones”. I’ve given up on “hoverboards”. I’ve given up on the correct pronounciation of GIF (it’s pronounced “jif”). But there’s no way in hell I’m going to accept “selfie” as “photo”. You’re the only one spreading this vicious thing right now, and I’m going to cauterize this before it spreads. My

a selfie can be a photo taken by you of a landscape featuring no-one

You can integrate it with Philips Hue and control lights without electrical work (the circuitry is built into the bulbs).

You can integrate it with Philips Hue and control lights without electrical work (the circuitry is built into the

Our eyes (actually our brain) is incredibly imprecise at judging light color, because it automatically compensates. When you’re sitting in a room with “warm white” bulbs, after some time you stop noticing that the light is very yellow. If you have a camera that allows you to set the color temperature, set it to some

Our eyes (actually our brain) is incredibly imprecise at judging light color, because it automatically compensates.

I’d be more worried about what’s in the milk.

I wonder why my line of iron-on tattoos didn’t sell at all...

Forget the speakers. Make one with lasers.

Population decline coincides with their decision to switch to Apple Maps.

Did they bother to find out how old is the lamprey?? Speciesists!

Because The Jungle Book is in the public domain, so Disney and Warner Bros. don’t have to pay anyone to use it.

Enough people to generate $180+ million in the box office, apparently.

I don’t know if Lorem Ipsum is just trolling or a really pedantic Scottish language purist, but you’re not calling it “Lake Ness”, you’re calling it “a lake” - which it is, undeniably. A particular type of lake geologically, located in a particular country geographically, but a lake nonetheless.

Thanks. I know some Commonwealth countries have stricter laws against libel than the US. On the flip side, I’m not sure if the Bollea v. Gawker verdict would have happened in Australia. Regarding US politicians being for sale, much as I detest Trump, isn’t that what lobbying is?

Regarding Fairfax Media, doesn’t the US have libel laws? (I’m not a lawyer and all that, so serious question)

Quit horsing around.

How do we know they didn’t?

Curious exactly where in the Baltic Sea this happened.

I feel that the app is awkward. Fortunately, the REST interface makes it easy to find other apps for it, or to write your own.

I feel that the app is awkward. Fortunately, the REST interface makes it easy to find other apps for it, or to write

Pffft. I bought 10 $100 trillion notes. I’m a quadrillionaire.

5 years later, headlines : “Seaweed Faces Extinction From Over-Harvesting By Packaging Industry”.