Kyle Daniel

That VO for Illidan doesn’t sound like Liam O’brien, am dissapoint

Ahahahahahaha! “Launch Day”

You all make really good points, I feel silly for not thinking of them

I never realized till now Lucas didn’t direct Empire and Return, and yet it makes SO MUCH sense... The prequels are varying degrees of bad(I admit I liked parts of them mostly all of the Jedi and sith stuff cause space samurai minus anakin chosen one BS and JJB) Ep. 5 and 6 are so much better than ANH in every way!

Can we just not with the quizzes Kotaku? Don’t become Buzzfeed (Nobody wants to be buzzfeed, not even buzzfeed!)

Put a timer in that logs you out if you’re afk for too long, like in EVERY MMO(That isn’t a shit idler MMO)

Mystique had atrocious hair too in X men, honestly her whole look was god awful, I want sexy Mystique wearing white, skull on her forehead, crimson locks flowing! /end rant

You leave edgelord Sonic alone!

I don’t particularly care for it. Too exaggerated...

PlayerUnknown says there’s data that shows “Irrefutable proof” of stream sniping yet won’t show said “proof” because reasons...

Love that red cartridge.

If you’re being facetious, then sorry but if you’re serious please refer to my previous statement.

God, you’re serious aren’t you? You’re whats wrong with our world... It’s a comic book! Lets have a realistic internment camp experience and have all of them die in the ovens, would that be better? Fuck right off!

Backfire? Just call him Assblaster and be done with it lol

There was some limited use of the sight on small arms after World War II but it came into widespread use after the late 1970s with the invention of the red dot sight. From wikipedia

“No one is gonna quit a game that spawns like that” then they’ll be banned too, as the article states it’s against the rules.

Uh, Washington is a heavily forested state, The Evergreen State in fact. ipso facto there would be cabins

WoW leveling a death knight thru outland, getting rid of the kickass set you got during the starter area for a multitude of ugly ass gear

By the way HL2 also has vents

Loved him in Spartacus!