First off fuck you, you generalizing fuck and second if a fatty deposit and nipples make you uncomfortable you may need to grow the fuck up, and third Fuck you! Have a great day.
First off fuck you, you generalizing fuck and second if a fatty deposit and nipples make you uncomfortable you may need to grow the fuck up, and third Fuck you! Have a great day.
It has a link to the fetish and this game! ON A FILTERED KIDS SEARCH! LMFAO
The devs do know women aren’t trying to grope or get in eachother’s pants all the time right? Or do these devs think all women are secret lesbians and nymphos? If so they need to take some sex ed classes.
Warhammer 40K Space Marine was the first warhammer game that hooked me and made me interested in the universe and made me start reading the lore but I have to agree that sometimes it’s overwhelming picking the good from the bad. One Warhammer game without the brand name in it is Blood Bowl, you could love that game…
I knew my team and just winged it myself and still got No One Left Behind.
Is Laurence Fishburne narrating the english bit? I swear it sounds like him...
To quote Jim Sterling “Is this memes?”
We can have a bro-crush on Kate Mckinnon then.
Timothy Olyphant is pretty badass and now I wish he was Iron Man!
Such a shock right!?
Wolverine wasn’t sterile and how are they gonna explain Daken being his kid or is Daken dead too?
I finally realized how Sexy she was in Get Smart, Jaw droppingly gorgeous for real and then my childhood died a bit as I watched those films as a kid and didn’t think of her that way...
Holy Sex Appeal batman!
The Suffering you say!? I’m gonna need to get this
“Splegggellemignantfug” Not true my friend
You’d think he’d be able to make some serum that gives him enhanced abilities instead of just giving up...
I’m kind of upset that Jesse had to die like she did in the comic, the actress that played her didn’t need to be killed and neither did her son, they really need to stop following the comic storyline to a T.
Damn, she’s pretty pleasing to look at, for an anime.
If it’s well done animation and models than it’s passable, these animations and models are god fricking awful, It’s an art and some people do not have the talent...
I’m not even a fan of MK but that assholes face pisses me off and makes me never want to buy another game he or WB/Netherrealm is apart of.