
Referring to an African American's athletic accomplishments as "shit" is racism of the highest order.

Didn't seem Pouncey was offended.

I'm sorry but it seems that this particular usage of "Nigga" fits within the acceptable double-standard usage.

So does Mike Pouncey have any friends who aren't dickheads?

Racial Epitaph:

That's a shame that Martin has such thin skin and this ended so badly. Pretty much everyone there loved Richie's fun and silly pranks, like the time he replaced an Oreo's filling with toothpaste and offered it to a teammate and then keyed that teammate's new Escalade. Such a fun goofball - people just need to

Deadspin: Where the "bullied" get revenge decades later by posting righteous condemnations on the Internet. So predictable, so sad.

If NFL and even College thinks this is an isolated instance ...they are wrong. Based on this outcome,flood gates will open. TEAM Football is dead. The money and celebrity is too great. There are 53 spots you battle for...only the strong survive. It goes on in college as well. Threats,violent pranks,all go unreported.