
Virtually every study done tells us that eyewitness testimony, including that from victims, is notoriously unreliable. It starts off with gaps, gets influenced by introspection, filled in with outside information, and often is shaded by the preconceived notions of the witness (see: every time a POC gets the police

Historically, East Asian countries have done things that could be used to challenge even the 1890's US for the “Most Racist Place.” As an example, Japan *still* has places that straight-up say “For Japanese only,” they closed their entire country to outsiders for decades, and don’t get me started on how they treat the

I think the letter writer was hoping for the analogy to be more akin to “Well, if I order the Garden bonanza, and ask them to add shrimp, they charge me $5 extra, so it should work the other way too, right?”

Wasn’t Trump a registered democrat for most of that time as well?

Sounds fine and dandy, until the next server is like “This wine should help you forget about all of the unborn babies you help murder” or “I can put these into a bag so it will be easier to run if you encounter one of the immigrant rapist you let in”, some other MAGA crap.

If, for some god forsaken reason a person needs to open the radiator while it is still pressurized, you turn the cap barely enough to bypass the lock then get a LONG stick to poke it and release your car’s inner desire to show off its “old-faithful” cosplay.

What is it about the western states and their lack of dividers between urinals?

Here’s another tip: Do not confuse GoofOff with goo gone. The former is a powerful solvent-based cleaner that will eat away at most plastics.

as I understand it, this is mostly because of property rights. Geo. 3 basically traded the majority of his rents, etc for a stipend, and everyone since then has done the same. Except now, the stipend is a bargain compared to the rents.

When it comes to shirts, I want one that I can put on, raise my arms above my head, and not show off my navel. Finding that, outside of ones designed for tucking, is pretty hard when you are a tall fat man (the demographic virtually no common retailer addresses- tall men, yes; fat men, yes. But not both at the same

Always seemed like vandalism to me. Even if it is easily removed, you are still marking up someone else’s property.

I think the title for “most racist” probably goes to the Japanese. They don’t even try to hide it.

Design on a Benjamin, HGTV, circa 2063:
All right. First we’ll get rid of these outdated hardwood floors, carpet is such a more modern choice. Then we’ll stretch this wall out to close off these rooms. After that, we’ll get to wallpaper and wood paneling, and install the new faux popcorn ceiling!

There is a difference in “dude is sometimes ineffective at reading social cues, and occasionally is over familiar with people” and “Dude is over-familiar/ too touchy with women”

What would you consider to be an acceptable success rate of reading body language? (90%? 95%? 99%? Surely not 100.)

I am somewhat curios as to whether this is just a “with women” thing, or if he does similar with men. I know he and BHO always looked fairly chummy/ physical. Plus, this sort of thing (arms around shoulders, etc) isn’t unheard of among politicians. There was even a USAToday piece about it this morning (https://www.usat

Maybe JB is on the spectrum. It certainly fits with the “difficulty reading social clues.”

And this is why many departments require a cross draw or weak-hand draw for the taser (there are even recommendations for such*). Muscle memory is a motherfucker, and in the heat of the moment, having the taser on the same side as the service weapon is TERRIBLE FUCKING IDEA.- They are roughly the same size, have a

This is true for some fur bearing animals, but for cattle (and pigs and what have you) the same critter that ends up on the plate is also used to make shoes, belts, etc.

Biggest reason to keep it I’ve seen: