
I would say that we’re in for our own version of Night of the Long Knives, but I don’t think Trump is smart enough to pull something like that off.

Nah. KD’s too nice of a guy. He’d wanna hug it out. I can see Russ, Perk or CP3 taking care of business, though. I wish KG was still playing because you know all he’d have to do is look at Drake and he’d sit down like a little kid being scolded.

I know. I cringe every time I see him on tv during an NBA game. I’m waiting for the day when he gets shoulder checked to the ground by one of the players.

Someone get Drake some water. He’s incredibly thirsty.

She probably has some sort of mental disorder, like mild schizophrenia, perhaps.

Yeah, it’s great. Would it be cool if I copy/pasted to use for my own senators? I could write my own, but yours is very well thought out and cuts to the bone quickly.

You know, I’m already kind of done with this “let’s use our words” rhetoric. These people don’t understand logic and talking things out or coming to a compromise, but I guarantee you they understand pain. It might be time for some of these Nazis to get their ass beat.

Don’t. You. Dare.

This is a solid reply with the benefit of being a fact. If I could, +2

I keep hearing people say that 2016 has been horrible. In kind, I actually think it’s been extremely merciful. It’s taken our best and been like “Nah, You were special. I’m not going to make you suffer through this.” 2017, on the other hand, is a total asshole and it’s not even here yet.

I see your Mayor McCheese and raise you classic Hamburgerlar.

What do you think’ll happen if they get a divorce while he’s in the white house?Also, I say “in the white house” because I will never acknowledge this man as president.

Question: Since he’s already being fined, does that mean he’s going to put out the blooper real?

It’s official: Kanye has gone full 90's Axel Rose. I look forward to the reunion tour.

I think you should leave David Foster Wallace out of this. All he did was write fantastic books and kill himself. I don’t see how any of that affects you.

Who is the best dancer out of the staff? We already know Drew’s last.

How much legislation do you think Obama is having to write into law before leaving office? I keep seeing him passing stuff and I feel like he’s trying to make it so Trump isn’t able to fuck us as badly as he would.

I think you underestimate Drew’s former fatness.

I’ve had a falling out with my football team because of Kraft, Belichick and Brady supporting Trump. Do I pick another team now or do I just become a casual football fan and talk shit to everyone without ever having to hear any back?

I know that all bears are good bears, mostly because my dogs name is Bear. But which bear is the best bear?