
tl,dr but im sure its a cool story bro

oh, so NOW you want to arrest people who illegally cross the border lol. probably because this guy wouldnt work for 3 bucks an hour like the other border hoppers

oh jeez, another hysterical white girl who has some “art” to sell. sit down lady

what nanny-state do you live in where people cant be trusted with little things that shoot sparks?

lol, seems you have a thing for billion-dollar media conglomerates. your nose is actually kind of brown

media needs to be kept in check, unfortunately they usually have all the power - money, influence, and wagon-circling media brothers. thiel gives the common man some hope that media cant willfully destroy lives over the chase of clicks

lol, come on Denton - you arent even trying anymore are you?

i bet the state of maryland found someway to tax this disaster man wants pussy that old

what is this tripe?

this blogger, juliane whatsherface, is simply piggy backing off the current twitter “outrage” over this article. the cucks are up in arms over it

sounds like blog envy. its typical amongst bloggers, especially the bloggers over here on gawkernet dot com

will he go down on you with a snorkel again or has the novelty of new pussy worn off?

3, 2, 1 - how long before leftists claim its because the movie is filled with faggotry?

woman makes money off of her tits, another woman gets hysterical when its pointed out

he is a genius of the construction trade and no doubt knows how to properly measure things, unlike you cucked beta-males who can’t even change the oil on your wifes car

its ok to be in awe of a massive penis

hot take. go find an american-indian and ask what he thinks of xenophobia.

9 inches, honey.

you are even worse, jfc