Pluses become minuses in misogyny math.
yesterday there was an interesting post in Reddit’s Am I the Asshole board. It detailed a woman who, with her husband, had saved 15k so that she could have her abdominal muscles repaired after 3 children. She was finally ready to schedule the appointment and found the account was completely drained. Her husband…
Yeah, that. I mean, Biden must be ready to retire. He often sounds like he wants to take a nap, not run the country.
Capitol Hill runs on ambition. Nonsense article talking nonsense.
She’s to be disqualified for fitting the job description. Misogyny’s catch 22 special.
I’m really starting to think the issue isn’t her lack of loyalty to Biden. It’s her lack of loyalty to the lobbyist who think they can influence Biden but wouldn’t even get in the room with her if she ascended to the presidency.
Remember when Biden called his future boss the first “articulate, bright, and clean” African American to run for president? Remember how George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan fucking hated each other? Remember how LBJ didn’t think much of Kennedy and hated Bobby Kennedy? Remember Abraham goddam Lincoln’s “Team of Rivals?”
As if candidates who were bitter rivals in the primaries have never kissed and made up. Biden is a one term president, if that. Now more than ever we need a VP who can hit the ground running should the need arise, and if that is Harris then let’s get behind her so we can attempt to dig the country out of the hole we…
Isn’t it typical for white america to create a deeply racist institution like the criminal justice system in California and expect one black person to fix it all?
Hell, cadres of non-Biden supporters are trying to derail her being offered the VP slot too from grievances ranging from “She’s a cop!” to “She’s not Elizabeth Warren!”... just look at the comment section on this site most of the time!
Every VP in the history of ever was running for president. Biden has been running for president since the goddamn 80s and throughout the Obama presidency. Preparation and ambition are to be rewarded as long as they are accompanied by testicles.
Hi. The other dudebra in your comments is a racist troll who stole my name trying to escape the grays. This is easily verified by checking our respective comment histories. A flag and dismiss would be appreciated. Thanks.
I have a firm belief that the horribly unequal division of domestic chores and childcare is the driving factor behind "mommy wine culture".
It’s so hard sitting here in the US and seeing my husband’s family up in Canada getting taken care of while we languish. And not just even with their health care (which is usually my soapbox topic) but everything. My sister in law got a year of paid maternity leave, they’re getting regular payments from the…
Kelly, I feel for you and wish there was a solution on the horizon. But I have little hope for progress because men still have so much power to veto better access and subsidies for childcare. And in my own life, I know exactly zero men who want anything to change because they benefit from the status quo while their…
‘I think it would look better for you if you were a classically trained musician.’