
Azliea banks trapped in Musk house looking for Grimes needs to be a movie like night at the museum. Can just see her accidentally launching herself into space or stumbling into the basement and getting In a tunnel car to the center of the earth and finding Grimes riding a robot T-Rex.

I am 10000% here for this Azealia, Musk, Grimes drama. Messy as hell, all of them.

Nobody is calling him Jimmy Saville, that man was a literal rapist and the devil incarnate. But it’s not great, and it’s worse because he’s Paul Walker. When it’s some middling dude with no prospects who winds up with a 16 year old because they’re impressionable and fall or an older man then while it is creepy and

“I am not a racist. I just think these little wetbacks had it coming.”

It’s worth noting also that even in its heydey, Star Wars spawned a Christmas Special so bad that Lucasfilm has tried to disappear it from the face of the Earth. Good Star Wars is such a thin line to walk that even the guy to invented Star Wars failed MULTIPLE times!

I’m sorry, did I hurt the white supremacist ally’s feelings? Well good. You should be ashamed of your beliefs and I’m not gonna lose one wink of sleep over it. I have no doubt that I am not the first and I definitely do not doubt I won’t be the the last to mock you over your terrible beliefs. Now head back to Fox

You gotta do better than this if you’re gonna troll on a site called The Root. Try again.

Your response to Mediocre Whiteness Personified is time you’ll never get back.

As a (if you ignore the small percentage of Cherokee and Portuguese) “white person” myself, I hope you and your “proud white” Klavern-buddy fucking choke on your own fucking tongues REAL SOON. Slowly. You godsdamned ignorant-ass inbred Klanner shitstains.

You fucking scumbag, I can’t believe this new narrative from right wing racist dickbags. The sheer idea that black people, somehow, “profit” from being killed by police and white supremacists; that they’re disenfranchisement aids their financial standing, is so ludicrous is borders on parody.

[Jeff Henry] never got a conventional education beyond high school and never formally studied physics or engineering. And that never worried the people around him. “That would be like someone being concerned that Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t have a college degree,” his brother told me. “The people that have a

Kansas law allows a water park like Schlitterbahn to self-inspect themselves

As soon as I saw the Texas Monthly link, I said to myself, “Ooh, I hope it’s Skip Hollandsworth,” and then squealed a bit at the confirmation. Check out his archive on the site, especially if you’re into cold-case true crime. He is a truly remarkable writer and has a burgeoning fan club (not just me!).

Three riders inside a rubber raft would plummet down a nearly vertical seventeen-story drop at speeds reaching up to 68 miles per hour. The moment they reached the bottom, they would shoot up a 55-foot-tall incline—the equivalent of a five-story building—before racing down one last steep slope, finally coming to a

They are rewriting the compelling historical story of a portly trans man to be be an exploitation film about a sexy lesbian. This is trans erasure at its finest. They are misgendering a dead man without an ounce of shame.

What the hell? A trans man is NOT A VERY BUTCH LESBIAN.

a great transgender” jfc... the problem is trans folks don’t ever get opportunities to play cis people (did you read the article)? It doesn’t work in both directions. Cis people play whoever the fuck they want and trans people can’t even audition to play trans folks. See the problem?