
If I mentioned this to some of my family members they would immediately shoot back “Monica Lewinsky.” I would then try to explain to them, well if you didn’t like it then (20 years ago), why is it acceptable in the twice divorced wife cheater who is currently the president? Plus, Trump seems to sleeze his way through

Not enough $$$ in the world for me to ever admit it if I had somehow lost my reason and fastidiousness to sleep with...this. Ugh

So basically Trump knows no one will sleep with him for free.

The big difference is that Mormons believe that only those who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood can get to the highest level of heaven. How do you do that? Well, you are a Mormon in good standing with a dick, ta-da! You’re totally a priest! If you’re a woman - better be married and sealed in the Temple to a man who

I hope her family can find a sympathic fellow prisoner with a sock full of locks. Or three.

Why don’t women report/speak?

Sometimes a monster like Nassar gets what what they deserve.

My teachers in film school fucking haaaaaaaated him. Maybe it’s because I was there in the early 90s, before he was Tarantino with a Capital T, and all my teachers were in their 60s and 70s, and knew (and taught) the films he was ripping off. The students would constantly argue with him, but once I saw the original

It’s almost as if he doesn’t understand what ‘acting’ is.

I’m kidding. I’ve seen him on screen. He definitely doesn’t understand what acting is.

Fergie was in Planet Terror?

A man who makes unrealistic amounts of blood explode everywhere for fights scenes is concerned with the authenticity of someone looking like they’re really being choked.

Also, I think it needs to be pointed out, the apology should be to Geimer first and foremost, but to every other victim of statutory rape second.

lol HOW IS THIS NEWS TO ANYONE Tarantino has been a creep his entire career. When I was looking at colleges in NYC, my mom and I were eating near NYU and all of a sudden she said, “Look at that crazy homeless person” and pointed at this guy waving his arms and screaming and ranting in the street and I was like mom

Why is he so familiar with what authentic strangulation looks like?


God what a piece of shit. I don’t think I can ever watch one of his movies again. He just comes off as such a creep.

This guy’s kink is insults and shaming.


If that’s true, then there is no difference when the you use racism or “poors” as the punchline:

Both Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Clinton married their spouses when they were young, being first (and only) marriages. Jackie began dating John when he was still running for Senate and married him a year after his victory. Hillary married Bill before he became the governor.
In contrast, Donald is 24 years older than Melania