A train full of Republicans hitting a garbage truck is nature trying to correct itself.
A train full of Republicans hitting a garbage truck is nature trying to correct itself.
I get that it’s objectively important news that elected members of Congress, in apparent conjunction with the White House, are using a misleading and still-mysterious 3-page memo to wage war on the FBI and ultimately Robert Mueller in an attempt to shield the president from accountability—and, most recently, that the…
See, this is what happens when you declare war on the FBI: All kinds of inconvenient leaks start pouring out.
Prescription opioids has been leading to heroin addiction.
To be someone “so versed in opioids addiction” you are very very ignorant that many many current addicts started with a prescription from a doctor.
I take it you’ve never met a smoker OR a junkie, then. Tumors and needles sneak up on people with habits that were, at one point, totally manageable. We don’t talk about how people in car crashes CHOSE to drive, but they definitely did. Do they not deserve help? Should they be left in the mangled wrecks to die as a…
These comments show great ignorance of the issue of addiction. You claim you have some experience with addicts but given how ignorant your comments are I doubt it. Also, do you know that doctors do not recommend addicted mothers to just quit opiates when they get pregnant. As terrible as it is to shoot while pregnant…
That’s also a terrible thing to say about this woman that she doesn’t deserve to be a mother to a human being.
“Doesn’t deserve?”
Oh, the relapse right is high? Oh, then fuck me, let’s just send them all to an island to die then. Thank you for this enlightening information!
Statiscs are bullshit, and you know it. Or do you secretly believe that The Bell Curve is true? Hmm. Regardless, you have displayed zero empathempathy.
She deserved a chance to be helped....
The hill I want to die on is that this story was framed and presented terribly. I can put aside the problematic power dynamic that led to this cop adopting this woman’s kid. But presented as a some sort of inspirational tale springing up from the tragedy of the opioid crisis? Nah. This story doesn’t inspire me, it…
It is not ethical for police officers to remove children to their own custody. He needs to remove the child if they are in danger sure, but it is a conflict of interest when he also wants a child. He should have gone through the adoption process separately. Police officers should not be deciding whether or not to…
That’s because they’ve given in to this. 45 is what they want. Its what they’ve been told to want for the last 40 years. This started with Nixon’s Republicans, this will end with 45's 60 million followers. 1/3rd of the voting public. He’s got them going, you can see it.
>>>>”It also all but ensures more homeless children like this one, but eh, nbd, right guys?”
I was horrified by this story. I’m sure stuff was left out, but was she offered counseling, given a place to stay? Offered treatment? Told she could get the child back from social services after treatment? Or did he just say, “well I’ll take your baby.” and ignore the mother’s needs? Addicts need to be given…
Nope. When you claim that God spoke to you, that’s the #1 sign you’re insane. Trump told the world a story about a mentally ill cop who claims God can speak to him.
Does anyone think this was basically blackmail? Given the fact that he was a cop it would be implied like this: “Give me your baby, or I’ll arrest you for shooting up, or wait a while until when I make sure you’re charged with child endangerment, and probably adopt your kid when Child Protective Services takes it from…
Trump and the GOP’s dismantling of the ACA, resulting in the loss of Medicaid expansion, cuts more than a million people off from access to drug addiction treatment programs.