I'll bring the popcorn.
Anthropology and sociology at least attempt to address their shortcomings and are constantly changing their methods. There is even an entire field of anthro that's dedicated to pointing out the inherent bias and subjectivity in any culture that attempts to define another (post-modernism).
Your vocabulary does not absolve you, sorry. Your science is shit. Your conclusions are suspect.
Lol! (Really, though.)
I made almost the exact same comment before reading yours. You are marvelous.
Evo-psych people are the WORST. But then, what do you expect from an entire field of pseudo-science that attempts to justify the worst of human prejudices and atrocities with half-assed, poorly designed studies?
Of course. I figured that out as soon as I read the title.
If GMO's are so safe, then why are we not allowed to sue them for the damage they may cause?
Your grammar is atrocious, and you clearly have issues with women. I recommend a tutor and a psychologist.
He didn't deserve what happened to him- but he was a Douche Supreme.
I live in Idaho, but he IS in SoCo right now. Weeeeeiiiiiird.
No, but I watched that episode for the first time a year or so after breaking up with him and could not help but wonder if one of the show's writers had had sex with this person also.
The guy who always wanted a high-five after sex.
Oh my god! For real?! Wtf?!
It's always good to meet a fellow anthropologist, and I enjoy a lively debate. Thanks for the food for thought. :)
I can see your point, but this is about neanderthals and other early humans, not modern-day humans with the benefit of established agricultural techniques and centuries of knowledge and tradition. Also, I did not mean to imply that women can't do anything or be useful while they are breastfeeding- we are great at…
Kudos on having read that series! I love those books. :}
I don't see how anyone can NOT be drunk at those award shows. I certainly can't be sober while watching them.