
As a college student who is also struggling with funding issues, I must disagree with #2. You can always find a way to help out a friend in need without being condescending. I'm sure she would be grateful, and also touched. Or maybe that's just how I would feel.

Personally, I'm fine with Hollywood staying well away from Wonder Woman.

Coco Chanel encouraged this sort of thing. If she didn't think it was a big deal, then I don't see why anyone should.

I love this comment.

You. are. AWESOME.

What is it about getting married that makes some women think it's suddenly acceptable to be a heinous bitch?

Eh. Khal Drogo is more my type.

This is my dog, Fi. She's awesome.

Yuck. :p

I haven't, actually. The last stuff I saw probably came from the mid-90's, so I'll fully cop to that.

This makes me think of that old Folger's commercial.

Well, that's kind of what I mean. The male actors have to be so unremarkable that they just kind of fade into the background, allowing the viewer to imagine themselves in their place. Could they do that if all male porn stars looked like this?

I've also heard it theorized that the reason most men in (straight) porn are kind of average or below-average looking is so that the male audience will not feel that they compare unfavorably.

I can understand just wanting to have fun with a person, and younger partners are probably great for that, but I think it's unfair to judge someone as having "commitment issues" because they haven't yet lived enough to know what they want out of life. If you are looking for someone who knows who they are and what they

One of my BFF's, who is the same age as me (29) always goes after young guys (19-23). I think it's fine that she prefers younger men, but it presents a paradox, because she is also looking for a stable long-term relationship eventually leading to marriage. I find this baffling and unrealistic.

Oh, they'll find something. They just keep moving the goal posts further back.

Is there some documentation of this? I'm not asking to be rude, I'm just appalled by the thought and would like to read it for myself.

I LOL'd. Couldn't help but notice that nearly every woman participating (at least in that photo) fits into the narrow ideal.

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how Plan B works. Plan B prevents the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterine wall. This PREVENTS a pregnancy from ever happening. If you want to get upset about something, make it something that cannot be disproved by a quick Google search.

Men have more upper body strength, it's true- but women have more lower body strength. Men can do pull-ups. Women can kick you to death.