
Its his original look in the comics. Sorta. It is a bit odd though.

Its a fin!

I’m starting to think that this will be a long term mission ship. maybe a 100 year mission to explore beyond the known galaxy and beyond the Alpha Quadrant. Fuller has denied the anthology concept is true, but he does say it has several crews. This could be the federations concept of what we foresee as interstellar

I remember them saying his new game was a new take on an original Playstation property. I wonder which he was inspired by.

I’m sure I read somewhere that it will be an anthology show based in different times in the federation history. One series, one ship, one crew. Rinse and repeat.

The thing is, the USA version of the Magical world is isolated from the muggle world in a way the UK version isn’t. Its already been discussed that they retracted themselves from muggle politics after the witch trials, and that would mean the war of independence, although obviously having an affect on their way of

People on the Reddit have found that Hitomi had been logged in for 3 days by the time the stream started.

I’m pretty sure we see a Silence/Silents hand in a shadow there, so I see three options. a)They’re back. b) Whatever is behind this can play mind tricks on the Doctor. c) Hybrid Silent Angels.