The Hackura

I guess you could swap that section for: after seeing the red flag that’s the end of COD, two men got the oppertunity to leave the ship while it’s still considered successful.

“Following the incredible success of Call of Duty: WWII,...”

It’s actually not like that at all, but OK.

You’re talking about an anti-ACE run. ACE runs like this are pretty clearly marked as such, and are difficult to pull off since it requires knowledge of how the game allocates memory.

I know a lot will disagree with me, but she should have passed them to him instead of trying to run them back.

Best sport in the world and it ingrained a work ethic and toughness that has been beneficial in my life.

Deep down, you care. and it keeps me warm at night.

Um that “restaurant freak” link seems like a bad ctrl-v? I mean maybe there’s a path from Pence to the Switch that I can’t connect

she lives 36 feet from her nearest neighbor. get your facts straight before you get all “holier than thou”

Respectful, like allowing them to control their own property instead of walking around the neighborhood every day with a ruler, measuring people’s grass? If you want to control her property, buy it from her. Otherwise, get bent.

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

You must be fun at parties.

Get fucked

Are you from New England, Emma? News flash: driving in the snow isn’t the hardest thing in the world. If I was getting paid millions of dollars to show up to work in the snow, I think I’d take it slow and make it the alright.

“a man who murders innocent civilians”

Yes, because those things certainly didn’t exist prior to the Punisher.

You realize the series is primarily about PTSD and the corruption of the military-industrial complex, right? I know it’s easier to criticize something you haven’t watched, but it really does make you look ignorant.

Huh? You do realize LB kits are very popular on cars costing much more than the LC?

Well it’s on bags so..

Ok old man ;)