The Hackura

I enjoyed it. But i feel it was lacking combat. I understand the type of game it is but it feels there was more combat in past games, all these cool combat trees that are hardly used. I could be way off base here, but that’s how it felt for me. Everything else was enjoyable. But if i had a playstation you bet id be on

It reminds me of that incident in NM last year when police recovered that kidnapped woman chained in a mini van. The situation is sad but the outcome is pretty positive.

Im from MA, its such a shit state when it comes to laws, rules, and regs.

The best companion is the one you build from the Automatron DLC. Not the story related one that talks. Just the build your own sentry with max carry weight parts. A walking NOT TALKING robot pack mule with lasers. Nice and quite, no drama, and all the scrap and garbage we can carry.

They always have some neat “freebies” like the AJM for far cry 4. Its something i wish i got into the habit of doing.

Im on stardust crusaders at the moment and its a lot flashier than the first 2 “seasons” getting over the major plot shift took a while. But it seems the more i see of seasons to come the more im less excited to watch. Ill give it a shot though. 

Unless you are awful at the timing. Like myself.

Fandom is an awful platform, especially on mobile. From browser hijacking to those awful autoplay adds that are placed perfectly so when you close them it opens the search bar as well. They also will scroll you to the top of a page randomly on mobile.

The vehicle is always click worthy but I have never sat through an entire video start to finish, always skipping the talking. There’s a firearm reviewer nutnfancy who has 30+ minute review videos and somebody does an abridged version chopping it down to 3-7 minutes. They need that.

I loved that game as a kid and up until now had no idea what happened to it.

Not cool. If I can’t watch Serena take on the Great Bambino in a game of Mahjong how can we declare anybody the best?

Ill wait till all the info on that shooting is in before I comment on it. This whole discussion started because you were insulting people for enjoying a hobby. Then your send off is a condescending statement about that same hobby. Why are you such a rude person? What have I or the hundreds of thousands of legal

Like I said, I’d rather have anything that gives me an edge. I have no idea what the split is for homeowner vs rental, but I know renting has been on the rise. As far as accuracy goes, any modern sporting rifle is a fantastic platform for home defense. They are very modular, simple to use, and with modern ammunition

Cost plays a huge part as well. People who live in apartments cant make changes and install bars but still want to be safe. Depending on the state, one can get licensed (In states that require it), and buy a rifle/pistol/shotgun for cheap and put their mind at rest. There are hundreds of thousands of low income areas

It’s 50/50 for me. Sometimes they fix the game and improve stuff. Sometimes they break more stuff or take away stuff that’s harmless. I wasn’t a fan when they locked the leviathan room glitch in Borderlands 2. But ill take that over the game breaking True Crime: New York City glitch where you can’t continue the story

Its the same base reason Remington failed and went bankrupt, failure to change. Yes remington also had horrible QC issues as well but they refused to listen to the market and customers. Harley isn’t willing to change and the market will decide it’s fate.

That is geographical and dependent on the community they live in. People in rural NH have no need for bars and iron gates, but that ties into why they need firearms for self defense since if there is an issue the police could be 10-30 minutes away. Gates,locks, and bars are only deterrents especially for honest

All I want is national reciprocity, a federal ruling on all the unwarranted state laws, and suppressors. I think that’d make us even for the Brady bill, the NFA, FOPA, and AWB in 1994. After that we can discuss more changes. I wouldnt mind if they would open NICS to everyone. That way private sellers can get

Its a state by state case on how to purchase firearms. Not every state is the same or easy. There are some more lax states like NH and formerly VT. If an FFL wants to sell a firearm at a gun show they still have to run a NICS check.

It’s not that easy to get a gun. Every state has laws that differ. You can’t generalize like this, its a slippery slope and can be applied to anything.