This has been present in fortnite and in other games of this nature,so this isn’t news. How the hell did this take up an entire article on Kotaku? Was it Schriers week off or something?
This has been present in fortnite and in other games of this nature,so this isn’t news. How the hell did this take up an entire article on Kotaku? Was it Schriers week off or something?
EEither that or the "hardcore" player simply " dropped his controller, was blindfolded, has bad lag and ping, and his little brother walked in and snatched the controller away" obviously XD
“Your honor. I gave this woman a plate of blintzes back in 1947 to paint my fence.
Its kotaku. The site needs all the clickbait it can get. Once they lose their golden goose Jason Schrier they’re beyond finished
Never had the stuff so i cant say much but the other point in the article is true:
The main difference between Square Enix and Anthem is that Square Enix is a Japanese company and they actually have honor and respect not only for their player base and for themselves as a company providing video game products to people like you and me. Anthem because it’s owned by an American company will never admit…
OOh look. Ff7. AGAIN. A game that used to be worthy of the roman numeral before SE milkes that tit of that cow dry ages ago.
Not all heroes wear capes. Some just take pictures of the ones wearing the capes and in this case he definitely lived long enough to become the villain we needed.
People aren’t weird. They’re just dumb, and remember, its 2019, you’re supposed to take everything wrong and get offend by everything these days.
Oh god another mention of "the cut." Good god people give it a rest already. This is like the 2019 version of the boy who cried wolf. Ugh
Im fine with this if they add in the stipulation of “have it all. But yoi cant equip it all.”
I read some of the comments here and all i can say is... Fuck you all. Lol this site man, then again they're all the same at this point.
Dropped this game after Stormnlood. I only played this for the story and after heavensward it was just average, for that story was pretty good. The scions have overstayed their welcome so hopefully with the new expansion looming we get a whole new cast and i might give this game another shot.
Ehh. Some people are just not that bright. The helmet must not have protected him from the obvious text dropped on his head lawl.
It’s ok, both of you aren’t relevant these days anymore, so it’s no big deal.
Crossplay does not help EVERY game. Ugh..
Retail is worse. Suck it up, buttercup
Sounds a lot like CVS. We need an article like this on that company. Especially their bad wages they think are good.
Well obviously, at this point ANY publicity thats any good is going to be a boon..nice sentiment on the surface but considering the poor state of the game at the moment, and although an expensive pr stunt, its still just that, a pr stunt.
So basically, “I soloed it with a friend”, got it...