
Hell, I’d argue Maher has done more damage in this game than Stan or any of his colleagues individually have.

Thing is, the parts of him that feel like they’d be from a comic book are more in overtly villainous characters.
I’ve said it before, I will say it again - if Donald Trump has any comic book alter-ego, it’s Gary ‘The Smiler’ Callahan from Warren Ellis’s Transmetropolitan a - leering, rictus-grinning presidential

Mr. Maher, your response?
[Cue supercut of Maher espousing Islamophobia and bantering trans-bashing with Milo Yiannopolous]

I don’t doubt said supercut could be longer and with more in it, those were just the two biggest examples coming to mind.

If we’re putting all cards on the table, I do feel inclined to point out the media doesn’t have to share the sole blame for the increased tribalism, though it does bear a lot of it.
If there’s anything remotely resembling justice in this world, Newt Gingrich will take his place in history as the figure within the

“Why can’t this be the ONE PLACE we don’t coddle kids!?” — I hear this and I now feel slightly concerned that at some point in his life, not even necessarily on record, Maher has tried to make the sincere, non-comedic argument that more parents should be beating their children. 

For my money, Kate Winslet’s single greatest achievement continues to go to “The actress whose life fulfilled an Extras joke” when she finally got her Oscar win for The Reader.

Needed is debatable, but the first 2.5 seasons of Hannibal ultimately proved a wanted prequel.

I also kind of have a soft spot for Dominion (Paul Schrader’s Exorcist prequel the studios threw over for Renny Harlin’s because they felt Schrader’s wasn’t scary enough. Definitely not a perfect film, particularly when you

You and I apparently took opposite paths in life. As I get older, I find myself more willing to forgive 3's flaws (forgive, not ignore) and appreciate what it was trying to do in terms of recapturing the horror feel and the thematic elements of trying to find a reason to keep moving when you’re at the absolute depths

Unless you live in the world of The Boys, where the superheroes looked at the situation, choked, and went “Fuck this, we’re out!”

A few more for the pile:

The Silence of the Lambs: 118 minutes

“’re starting to regret getting that jumbo Coke right about now...”

Now playing

Well, seeing as Alice Cooper’s already on the table, fuck it, I’ll throw in the suggestion -

Smithers remains an interesting player in this controversy, what with the fact he started out the show as black for an episode before they realized the optics disaster of Mr. Burns having a subservient black man as his right hand man and dialed that back.

Not only that, you can’t swing the proverbial dead cat without finding a share of media that is presented as pro-police to one extent or another (sometimes to downright creepy extents where other aspects of law, such as the courts, are treated as road blocks to justice being served, but that’s a talk for another time).

Also worth noting, characters like Willie, Cletus, Luigi, etc...they have prettymuch remained in the secondary positions. They haven’t had the elevated status Apu has gained, as many have pointed out in his defense. Which in a case like this is both a blessing and a curse - it makes him more prominent, which allows

I’d make the case The Venture Bros has still largely earned its stripes here.
Especially rewatching some of the early seasons - they’re still entertaining, but for a series that started airing 14 years ago, you can track what was acceptable in humor quite a bit through comparing some of those earlier seasons to later

This right here? This is a documentary I’d be interested in seeing. Exploring just how different courts and countries can cause something like this particular brand of ‘what the Hell?’ outcome to happen.

Horrifying, but in an altogether different way.

For the sake of throwing another name into the pool -

While it’s not without its flaws, Disney’s adaptation of Something Wicked This Way Comes has that autumn feeling in spades coming off of it.
Along with the casting of Pryce and Robards, it’s one of the big things the movie has going for it.

Even better - this controversy apparently first got cooked up by the Drudge Report. Who people might also remember as the source that was crowing about DiCaprio being raped by a bear in The Revenant to such a degree that the studio issued an official ‘This story is full of shit’ statement in response.

That they even

Wasn’t the whole point of his first episode proving that he WASN’T just a figment of Kyle’s imagination?