The Guy

Its the final gasp for air of a dying fish. These people are so void of actual value in their lives, that the only joy they can still muster is tied to dated ideas from decades ago.

The idea that any progress, whatsoever, is part of some secret deep state woke agenda... its as funny as it is pathetic. Especially in a

This seems like a prime candidate for the discussion of “What’s something considered classy if a wealthy person does it, and trashy is a poor person does it?”

Color me completely ignorant to fashion and trends (I truly am), but I don’t get the praise here. It looks like something hobbled together out of loose pieces of

I’ll never forget the feelings that a much younger 20 year old version of myself had playing this part in the original. After dying a couple times, I remember trying to be sneaking and ended up hiding in one of the buildings, thinking to myself “I’m not sure I can do this”.

Wow, that was quite a leap in logic.
I agree, it is great to see what games can be made when there aren’t massive publishers deciding what is and isn’t worth funding. But, come on, certain AAA titles earn every bit of praise they receive.

So, here’s the real challenge with blanket proclamations. As times evolve, we have seen video games getting a larger and larger fanbase every year. With that expansion, comes people from all walks of life expressing their love for games in all sorts of forms, ranging from making their own games, to music, to cosplay.

I love how Better Call Saul made me understand how class action lawsuits actually work. It is almost entirely about the law firm making bank and nothing to do with actually representing people. 

I couldn’t play RE7 in a well-lite room with headphones on because it was too immersive. Despite loving the dark pictures series, I don’t think I can handle this one. 

Well said! Each and every one of use have probably experienced exactly what you explain in your comment. Heck, I just did, playing this exact game, going through the Phazon mines for the first time over 20 years.

Well said! Totally agree with this take and I try to emphasize it whenever possible.

the tether is a mere half-a-millimeter thick’

The entire point of the game is to come out of it no longer viewing Abby as a “bad guy”, but instead a human with her own existence. To her, Joel was the “bad guy”.

The controversy around Part 2 was really an eye opening moment for me. The realization that there are millions of gamers out there incapable of seeing anything beyond the surface level of characters actions was surprising.

The thing is, most overweight people who try to make the effort to get healthy and lose weight aren’t aware that they have an eating disorder.

The world is such a stupid fucking place...
As if our attention spans haven’t been sapped into nothingness already, now were going to normalize showing multiple clips at once?

Perhaps I am being cynical... maybe naïve, but didn’t she “gladly do this (it)” too?

I work for an automotive supplier and we will ship protoype parts to customers all around the world. I cannot tell you the number of times our products have been destroyed or hung-up by customs. It tells you that there must be WAY more drug traffic in the world than most of us expect.

Seriously, my thoughts exactly.

Exactly, this has nothing to do with someone having a different opinion on something, specifically one that largely goes against the majority of public opinion.

Well said.
Its ludicrous to think that a TV show and video game can deliver the exact same amount of information to the viewer/player without either feeling like pieces are missing or over-fluffed. They are two completely different forms of media and the consumer should go in to each with completely different

Hey all, my friend Billy is typing this reply for me, because I am unfortunately no longer able to do so myself.