The Guy

So I understand that Taco Bell has metrics that likely support their decision to remove this staple of their business. However, I simply cannot rap my head around why they would do this. For myself and so many friends of mine, the Mexican Pizza is THE Taco Bell item. We have seen campaigns from Reddit and Twitter to

The real difference is, Microsoft is no longer interested in making money from hardware. I mean, sure they’ll take it, but it’s no longer their goal. They are going the Netflix route and making sure they can lock their playerbase into a subscription with GamePass. Guaranteed monthly revenue from every single user on

For real... that’s not how any mental health issue works. This mentality of “just research it first” is just as bad as the classic... “Feeling depressed? Just try to be happy!”.

This is classic denial.

Am I delusional, or are games like Super Smash Bros and Uncharted not really platformers?

My thoughts exactly! This dude has never been able to keep his mouth shut about anything. Now all in the sudden, he’s going to tolerate being banned from his sole source of income for no reason?

Exactly, but the biggest thing this news indicates to me is the expected price point of the series X. Come November, the only reason anyone would buy a One X over the Series X is if there was a significant cost savings. However, if they both cost $400, why would anyone buy the version that is 3 years old?

Well, his tweet did receive 1.2 million likes...
I am certainly not implying that only black American’s liked his tweet, however, it is certainly alarming that 1.2 million people think this is a good idea. 

Now playing

This is exactly it, and they have no problem admitting it either.

I can see what you’re saying, but this particular episode of community was not meant to be social commentary. Ken Jeong was meant to be dressed as a dark elf. They painted his skin pitch black and his hair was pure white. This is not black face, this had zero to do with race, or culture, or anything like that. Nobody,

It is the utmost example of ignorance in the US. The actions of poorly educated fools. These are the same people to told Keapernick he was disrespecting the flag for kneeling during the National Anthem. All while they simultaneously proudly fly the flag of a failed confederacy that tried to destroy that exact flag

Amen, I borderline wish ill-will upon their family too... Chances are if these two are such absolute pieces of shit, then the rest of their family is too. Just end the whole bloodline of racism. I feel sick.

Legitimately, thank you for this response. 

Don’t worry, it was like this in 2019 too.

The real question is why does a dev have to provide reasoning/make an excuse in the first place? It is that developers vision of the final product, are they not allowed to have they own artistic vision without people shitting all over it, just because it doesn’t match the narrative or current norms?

I can relate to this comment... as someone who designs safety components for the auto industry, I have products that I have personally designed myself featured on over 60% of the vehicles sold in North America. None of the drivers have any idea of the hard work that my team and I have put into designing these parts

I mean, it’s really your anecdotal experience versus someone else. Sorry to hear about your brother, but I could share the story of how medical marijuana has allowed my father in law to have a full recovery from his stroke. He had such bad pain from the nephropathy in his left side that he was not able to function,

Did anyone else get major Sander Cohen from Bioshock vibes from this part? You help a questionably evil artist complete his vision, and then you get the chance to let him live, or betray him.

I think perhaps games like Thumper were made for high people. I played it on PSVR as it came on the demo disk. However, I very quickly lost interest as the game just seemed so... limited. However, playing it high, I feel like the appeal this game was previously missing for me lies in my easily bewildered high brain. 

Looking at this map, I can only think one thing...