The GT

The protest failed.

You are aware that some people are still buying Tesla vehicles aren’t you and they’re the worst example of what you just described.

Then cut off your nose.

You have The option to not use any app I never use any app when I view Redditit.

Steve Jobs?

You actually have no clue what IBM is doing today do you?

I realize that you want any company that won’t do exactly as you say and run their business how you want them to run it to go broke, however that’s not going to happen. I hate to burst your bubble of self-importance but, a 7% rise or fall and a stock price is well within the market fluctuations of normal market

The times I have used Reddit I didn’t use any apps to see it You can just go to their website directly.

I agree the girl is sexy but that dufus looking dude with the helmet hair is hideous. We need a female doctor again.

Your temperature estimates are not accurate for all locales. Where I live in the southwest the temp of sun tea after 2 hours is 165° and will get to 175 before it’s done.

Everything about this game makes it worth stealing es6 as long as it needs to. 😉

Mining is interesting gameplay.

Still having fond memories of probing Uranus?

But it can certainly make you more prolific.

The tanzanian devil.

Try hitting the $5 matinee sometime.

I think it’s much simpler than that people don’t want to take their kids to see sexually deviant lifestyles depicted on the screen and they don’t want to have awkward conversations about questions that young children shouldn’t be asking yet because it doesn’t apply to them. Kids need time to be kids and play they’ll

Thanks to Joe Biden’s economy there are a lot more kids out there that don’t work all day than kids to do work so replacing moderators will be a piece of cake. Thanks Joe.

What an f’ing niggler. 

With every passing day I gain new respect for reddit and lose respect for the already dodgy and power hungry moderators that I never had much respect for in the first place.