The GT

And now that my fiancée has picked up the game on her new phone we chill in bed when we first wake up on weekends and kill demons together for an hour or two like any good couple should.”

Gee, guys, I hate to have to be the one to tell you, but (spoiler alert) all the locations are on Earth. The films were all shot completely on Earth. The writer is an earthling as are all the cast members and crew.

It’s ‘a FAQ’ not an FAQ. As in a frequently asked questions (list).

The way to make a successful sequel is to make an extension of the story. Make the next chapter in the same story.

And you are against personal attacks?

It means people are tired of having one point of view forced in them constantly.

And yet people feel justified in personally attacking those that didn't use tract to express their dislike of the work. Funny how that goes.

Some people give words to much power over their ives.

Shaming people for expressing dissenting opinions isn’t cool.

It’s the Kobayashi Maru.

Imagine the person that takes the game so seriously that it bothers them that someone cheated to do better than they did. That's very sad.

It’sa game. If having a high score in it matters to you, you need to revaluate your goals in life. It’s a game, it doesn’t matter, no one cares and those who do, don't matter either.

Keep in mind that just because a product is mildly popular with the apple dumplings (those gullible fans of Apple that the company keeps dumping their products on) doesn’t mean it’s a good product. Just look at the m chips with their fatal security flaws built right into the hardware so they can’t be updated with a

A lot of apple fanatics are still using their palms.


But that was one of the best lines.

But how else can we push our ideal of racism and separatism in today's society?

I’ve never heard of miles morales but spiderman is Peter Parker.

You’re shitting in your bed. Amber is that you?

K2 was never a game worth playing anyways. I discovered that by playing it. It’s whole claim to fame was the title.