
.....making this point because this guy doesn't know how to say her name either. *sigh*

Jesus, people - it's Lah-ra, NOT Lor-a. I loved this game, but that's the one thing that drove me nuts - half the characters not knowing how to say the main character's fucking name.

RE5 and 6 were total disasters. I'm not questioning whether or not you're a "real fan", because, hey, who am I to say... but I will say that anyone who grew up playing classic RE games can at least see that the most recent entries aren't really RE games, they're like some sad CoD-type thing with monsters. Just like

Totally. The nerds won. Huzzah!

As a writer, I couldn't disagree more. Writers look to each other, to their peers for feedback and guidance - yes - but to open the door to the howlings of the general public? Forget it. I love my Game of Thrones the way it is. It can be ugly, but that's why I like it.