Yeah, I got the Live TV version as a replacement for cable. It was like 40% cheaper than cable in my area.
Yeah, I got the Live TV version as a replacement for cable. It was like 40% cheaper than cable in my area.
Yeah, I got that. But it’s probably not likely to even exist in bootleg form unless someone made copies of the footage very quickly, because as I understand it, the studio has to show the IRS proof that the work was destroyed.
The whole reason they took a tax write-off to begin with is that it was intended for ad-free HBOMax and Zaslav doesn’t think that it could be monetized that way. Why would they put it on YouTube with no ads, then?
No, they couldn’t put it up on YouTube, that’s not how tax write-0ffs work. Besides, when a studio does a tax write-off on an unfinished work, they typically destroy it. That also makes a bootleg a lot less likely to happen (though not impossible).
Part of me thinks that, too. Like he’d be “we’re still publishing comics? Printed on paper?!” But then selling them off would mean that they’d make less money on the movies, so that’s probably not likely. I wouldn’t be shocked if he moved the comics to digital-only or something like that, though.
They already took the tax write-off on it, so they can’t do that legally.
Unfortunately, the way that tax write-offs for TV shows and movies work, they legally have to either shelve it permanently (if it’s a finished work) or destroy it entirely (if it’s not). Any attempt to release it commercially would be essentially committing tax fraud. (I’m not an expert on this, BTW, just based on…
On its surface no, but if you look at how the characters were written back in the 60s, it does fit. Thor was punished for being egotistical and was bound to a frail human doctor. Iron Man may have been rich, but was also egotistical, and it caused him to get an injury which gave him a serious heart condition (and that…
Yup, and by taking a tax write-off, they HAVE to remove it for legal reasons.
People shat on it because that was the only interpretation the general public had of Batman from that point on until the 1989 film. To anyone who liked the more serious Batman comics of the time, it was irritating.
Eh, Sony only made Morbius because they have to crank out Spidey-related movies every 2-3 years so they can hold on to the Spider-Man film rights. I don’t think they care that it flopped, because its existence allows them to keep making Spider-Man movies with actual Spider-Man in them -- the last of which made a…
If they do that, then we’ll never see it. When you write off a movie or TV show for taxes, you legally cannot air it or release it to anywhere that you could profit off of it.
Yeah it’s happening for me across all the G/O sites. It’s annoying.
No, you’re thinking of TNT.
No need to count Rifftrax! Jack Palance was in at least 2 MST3K episodes: Outlaw (of Gor) and Angels Revenge
It’s only the name of Shuma-Gorath that has rights issues. Everything else about the character is owned by Marvel. Shuma-Gorath’s name first cropped up in a list of demons or elder gods rattled off by a character in formerly unpublished Howard work finished by another author and published in the 1960s. He was never…
Yup. When she first appeared in Vengeance she was in a romantic relationship with a guy named “Ultimate Nullifier.”
Apparently it’s inspired by Vecna, the D&D lich that became a god.
Give me five eyes for a quarter!