The Greetest for No Raisin

You may have inferred that, but I did not imply any such thing.

Because “the Mandarin” in IM3 claimed to be the leader of the Ten Rings organization and used their symbol in his videos. Wenwu never called himself the Mandarin, but he did create and lead the Ten Rings.

Is that not an option for 3rd party payments? I never said anything about in-app payments.

Yes. We all tend to crap on Barsanti a lot here (myself included), but he’s reading this correctly. It’s not much of a victory for anyone here, and in Epic’s case it’s a pyrrhic victory at best. Apple has to allow an option for 3rd-party payments alongside their own, but sideloading a full-blown independent 3rd party

I’m hoping it’s Shuma-Gorath.

Well since he was blipped, he actually has been in 10th grade for 5 years.

Yup, and allegedly he was planned to be in the final episode of Falcon & the Winter Soldier as the person that Sharon was on the phone with, but was scrapped because Marvel wanted his reveal to be in this movie.

When you someone host it.

Not only that, but the heroes all get brutally murdered as a distraction, and that ends up failing anyway. Thanos ends up being defeated because his hubris caused him to ignore Nebula, who snatches the gauntlet away from him and undoes everything he did with it — purely out of spite.

That would be a much better way than using the multiverse to continue the Fox version of the characters.

He’s an eternal with genetic disorder known as “deviant syndrome,” not an actual deviant.

Zoinks! and/or Jinkies!

Go get her, Ray!

Is that before or after the set by MC asdf asdf asdf?

Those same kinds of people on YouTube also claim have “insider knowledge” that Kathleen Kennedy is going to be fired from Lucasfilm and then Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni are going to “undo” the sequel trilogy.

It was his sled. It was his sled from when he was a kid.

“Really seems to be reaching for the snark” describes just about every article the AV Club puts up these days.

Honestly, any explanation that they come up with wouldn’t be satisfying anyway, so it’s probably for the best that they don’t try to explain it.

Nah, that happened pretty early on in the 90s. Basically once Liefeld left in 93 the character got turned into a quip machine by Fabian Nicieza

Sorry, I’ve been seeing a lot of people assuming that it’s “CoD edgelords” and that “Activision ruined Blizzard” so I thought you were as well. My mistake.