The Greetest for No Raisin

Alright, need to X-acerbate the situation!

Well X-cuse me!

Well X-cuse me!

I believe this one is supposed to be set in the 90s.

double post, sorry

These puns are X-cruciating.

There go my nipples again!

I bet your lymph nodes are as big as cats!

Who cares? Pod 6 is jerks!

...and instead of the “dun DUN” sound effect, it’s a muscle car revving its engine up twice.

I expect it will last about as long as every other business sold to a private equity firm. :\

Saw it coming.

Does that mean that Putin is Unicron?

He would have, but then he’d shoot Trump in the back and declare himself President.

Exactly. Claremont wouldn’t have had the chance to reinvent the X-Men in the manner and style that he did if the Bronze Age weren’t already in full swing.

I don’t believe there really is a gap because there’s no clear demarcation of the *exact* moment it started, unlike with the Silver Age officially beginning with Showcase #4.

No one’s really sure exactly when in the 70s it occurred. Some say it was Gwen Stacy’s death, or the first comic to be published without the Comics Code Authority, or Jack Kirby quitting Marvel, or the issue of Green Lantern/Green Arrow where Speedy was revealed to be on heroin.

Nah, the Silver Age definitely ended some time in the 70s. There was a change in tone, horror comics made a comeback (there were deliberately no horror comics during the Silver Age as a response to Frederic Wertham’s complaints), the Comics Code loosened up a bit, there were stories about drug use, etc. An overall

You’re wise not to waste your money on them. Anything made by ATGames (or “@Games”, whatever) is awful. The emulation is poor and laggy.

It doesn’t go on sale until September.