The Greetest for No Raisin

I’m pretty sure Chick and the other religious nuts tacked on the satanism junk after the Egbert suicide story. “D&D caused a kid to kill himself? Must be the work of the Devil!” The fact that books had demons and devils as monsters you can fight probably acted as confirmation bias for them.

It was largely because of this non-fiction book:

I played the open beta — the first time I’d ever played any game in the Monster Hunter series — and had a blast. The “turf war” aspect is really fun, and actually helped our group defeat some of the tougher monsters.

Heeelp! I’m falling at a sixty degree angle breaking all the laws of physics!

It was due to a claws in her contract.

Blahblahblahblah Bishop Desmond Tutu.

$710 grand? You’ve gotta be kitten me!

Not all monarchies are hereditary.

Yeah, Lucas took from stuff that was much, much older than Dune.

But are you a 28-year old powerlifter?

That actually happened to me once in the Disqus days.

“Who’s gonna be the new Eddie?”

Thanks! It’s one of my favorites, too, obviously. :)

I laughed ‘til I stopped!

How would you be able to tell the difference?

Yeah. Okay. So more then, yeah?

So....more flair?

She-Hulk isn’t going to happen for the same reason we’ll never get another solo Hulk movie.

Don’t encourage them!

But the Colossus of Rhodes is still there, right? RIGHT?!