
What you’re not understanding is that she made a statement that was incorrect. I’m not criticizing her focus on blacks—she’s speaking through her experience. What I have an issue with is that she not paint the picture more bleak than it needs to be. Everyone gets criticized for having plastic surgery.

No, but the facts asserted have to be correct. All women are criticized for altering their bodies: Nicki Minaj, Heidi Montag, Farah Whatever her last name is—all women. Feminism, to me, should be intersectional. All boats should rise.

Actually no. Humanism is believing that humans can sort their shit out without the rules of a deity. It’s a form of atheism that believes rationality and empirical evidence are all we need to be better people. Egalitarianism is “I personally think everyone should be equal and that’s good enough for me.”

OH WOW SO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN BETTER THAN ME??? COOL! You’re wrong. I wrote my post. My post says I was crying. You don’t get to decide that for me. And yes, it does. Raining on my face=crying. You are a rude person. I’m dismissing this from now on as I find it pathetic that a nice moment in court, a place where VERY

What are you on about even? Raining on face is literally a term that means crying. My post says I cried. What an odd takeaway from my post. ETA: Seems you might be confused. When people go, “Oh it’s dusty in here!” or something that is distancing from crying. Raining on my face means I am crying. As in, lots of tears.

Also it wasn’t the “shock of her life.” It barely elicited an eyebrow raise.

Wait, what? Are you seriously conflating pointing out a hilarious but clearly unintentional Google glitch with those who stubbornly cling to an antiquated and racist symbol as though they are one and the same? Can you please look up the definition of ‘false equivalency’?

I just watched Citizenfour (I mean “just watched” too, I finished less than an hour ago) , and it was stomach churning.

I’m not too bothered or discouraged by any of the particular comments, just that everyone took my original comment as somehow trying to focus things on men’s issues. I think feminism should be about women’s issues first and foremost, and probably secondmost as well.

Thank you, TheGreatMango, don’t worry about me, I’ve

jeez, how is what I said “what about the menz”? I’m the villain here because it breaks my heart that more men don’t see that men’s and women’s issues are all related and that no social injustice is an island? I wasn’t criticizing this article, not one bit. I wasn’t criticizing anything or anyone, I was voicing my

Then isn't it kind of double ironic because the ladeez are saying "listen to us because your words / actions are making us feel this way" but then a man says the same thing and it's kind of like "whatever, let's spell men with a 'z.'"

Sudeikis is the one that looks like a loan officer, Hader is the one that looks like he’s still figuring out what he wants to do with his life, but in the mean time is trying his hand at being a loan officer

Sux to your asmar.

Fuck Me - saw a woman today using a stroller to walk her fucking pet RABBIT.

I guess the #notallwhitepeople thing is like the #notallcops thing right? It got turned around every time a cop did something illegal that got caught on film to highlight that maybe #notallcops but it seemed like #prettymuchmostofthecops.

No when men come onto an article about women’s issues to derail it by complaining that men have problems too without every really backing it up with evidence or actually wanting to talk about solutions for this issues they get responded to in that way. It’s the same when commenters go to articles about police violence

Men do have problems too; once again, just because something is worse than this situation does mean this situation isn’t bad.

No, no one is saying that. Once again, some things are worse than others but just because there are worse things doesn’t make it ok. Is that hard to understand? really?

Dismissing someone’s complaint about their civil rights being violated by the police based on their race and income? And making up excuses as to why the youth deserved the treatment they got? Fascinating...

So you’re saying that because she’s rich, it’s not a big deal that the cops acted out of line and mistreated her? Cause she can just go back to her nice apartment and go to brunch?