
The reason is because women are trafficked into the ‘legal’ sex trade. Decrim of pimps and johns provides a legitimate framework for massive underground abuse. Trafficked and coerced prostituted people vastly outnumber consensual sex workers, and in those parts of the world where decrim of the trade has occurred

This is a really tragic result, and this:

Yes, I have. And yes, it’s a masterpiece. That’s not nostalgia talking. I genuinely think it’s a thing of genius, worthy of study. I’m not alone in this opinion either. I do suspect however that some people simply don’t think such things can be said of comedies. These people are wrong.

Honestly, while I’m not excited about the movie, I’m not particularly bothered by it either. I just don’t think it will be good, and I get annoyed when the conversation about how it won’t be good becomes conflated with the conversation about the fact that it has an all female roster.

Sadly, in this case, it *is* a gimmick. The first thing that was decided about this movie, before they had a cast, and before they even had the beginnings of a story, was that the Ghostbusters would all be female. That’s a gimmick, and it’s not a decision they would have made did they not think it were an angle they

It’s different in the sense that the original Ghostbusters is one of the most imaginative, intelligent, well shot, perfectly scored movies of the entire decade in which it was produced. There’s a reason it hit so hard and a reason it has the legacy it has. It’s that it is, on every level, absolutely fucking brilliant.

More arty, for example, than Laszlo Kovacs and Elmer Bernstein? The original Ghostbusters is one of the most artfully composed and scored movies of its era. Don’t be such a snob just because it’s a comedy.

Paul Feig don’t know shit about lighting or mis en scene, digbette.

I figured most cinema goers think he’s completely pedestrian. He’s not Uwe Boll or something. But he is the very model of a workmanlike, shoots a bunch of coverage sort of film director.

Most cinema watchers think Paul fucking Feig is “incredible”?

I take it you’re not a filmmaker, or if you are I take it your work is soulless shite. Just because there’s a relationship between art and commerce doesn’t mean every film that gets made is a cynical cash grab, like this film is.

Now playing

Man do we disagree. The cinematography in Ghostbusters is wonderful. It was shot by one of the absolute, all time greats: Mr. Laszlo Kovacs.


Our ideas of how filmmaking is done are clearly very different. Bridesmaids is the definition of a phoned in movie. It’s a loosely connected, poorly staged series of lightly improvised sketches, and its central comedic set-piece is a woman shitting her bridal gown in the middle of the street. It’s a dumb movie for

I’m amazed that defenders of this film are trying to make this an exclusively feminist issue. *Of course* there are sexist douchebags decrying this remake on the basis of its female cast on the internet. It’s the fucking internet.

Those crying fangirls should be ashamed of themselves. Have some fucking dignity.

We just posting links now? Okay.

At any rate, I am really revolted by your premise that practicing sex workers shouldn’t even be consulted. By your logic, any practicing sex worker who says he/she supports legalizing prostitution is by definition someone whose words can’t be taken seriously. How utterly patronizing. Who are you to determine whether

Logic fail. Again, you don’t seem to be capable of appreciating the desperate situation so many of these people are in. The reason ‘practicing sex workers’ aren’t out in force saying decriminalize the industry is because if these people were in any position to communicate such needs they wouldn’t be a part of the sex